
Páginas: 4 (800 palabras) Publicado: 10 de noviembre de 2011
Oscar NiemeyerOscar Ribeiro de Almeida Niemeyer Soares Filho is an architect. Born in the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1907, in the neighborhood of Laranjeiras.
At age 21 he married Annita Baldo. In1945 he joined the Communist Party of Brazil.

In 1956, the urban planner Lucio Costa wins the contest to choose the new capital city in the center of the country, which would Brasilia, atthe initiative of President Kubitschek, Oscar Niemeyer is invited to work on the project of the new capital. Niemeyer is responsible for building projects and Lucio Costa's plan throughout the city andtown planning.
In a few months, Niemeyer designed dozens of hotel, commercial and administrative. Including the residence of the President (Palácio da Alvorada), the National Congress (the Chamberof Deputies and the Senate), the Cathedral of Brasilia, the Itamaraty Palace, headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, the headquarters of the Federal Supreme Court, buildings of the ministries, and theseat of government, the Planalto Palace. The cathedral is considered particularly beautiful, with diverse modern symbolism.
Brasilia was designed, built and opened during the term of a presidentialterm, four years. The new capital was officially inaugurated on April 21, 1960. In 1962, Niemeyer was commissioned to organize the School of Architecture in the newly created University of Brasilia, In1963 he was appointed honorary member of the American Institute of Architects of the United States, and in the same year Soviet wins the peace, the Lenin Peace Prize.

Exile and projects overseasDuring the military dictatorship of Brazil his office was invaded by surprise, his projects mysteriously began to be shunned and lose your customers. In 1965, two hundred professors, includingNiemeyer, resign from the University of Brasilia, in protest against university policy. In the same year he traveled to France for an exhibition of his work at the Louvre Museum. The Minister of Aeronautics...
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