
Páginas: 3 (732 palabras) Publicado: 23 de noviembre de 2012
Trabajo Practico Ingles

Alumnas: Marilé Negri, Guadalupe Nadur, Antonela Ojeda

Profesor: Paladino Lorena

Curso: 5°1° Tecnico en Alimentos

Año: 2012[pic]

- The stems are white, yellow or red, depending on variety.
- The leaves are large, green, shiny and ribbed.
- Chard leaves are large, oval, slightlycordate, with pronounced veins arising from the midshaft.
- The leaves are the edible and are large oval pulling cordate, petiole or stalk has a length and width, extending in limbo, the colorvaries according to varieties, strong dark green and light green.
- The flavor of the chard leaf is similar to spinach.Nutritional properties
The Chard contain 91% water, low in calories, carbohydrates. It's very energy, and is rich in vitamins, salts, minerals and fiber. The raw Chard has more vitamin C than cooked, sothe salad is a good source of this vitamin. Chard also has in its composition of potassium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, iron and calcium. The properties of these minerals regulating muscle activity,balanced operation intestines, nerves and muscles, enhance bone health, enhance immunity and intestinal collaborate to work with a mild laxative effect and reduces hypertension diuretic or fluidretention. Also involved in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and fetal development, so its use is very beneficial for pregnant women. The quantities of iron supplied placed as one of the productsto eat in anemia.
Besides the presence in its composition of oxalic acid prevents the formation of kidney stones and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chard contains:
• Vitamins A and C lot less of it.
•Minerals: Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine.
• Other: Folate, Beta-carotene, Acid oxalático

Characteristics and origin
Chard belongs to the family of Chenopodiaceae and...
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