
Páginas: 7 (1719 palabras) Publicado: 30 de enero de 2014

Sujeto + Verbo en pasado + Complemento
Ejemplo: I read my book yesterday /
He read his book yesterday.

Para hacer una respuesta corta en forma afirmativa utilizamos: Yes + coma + sujeto + did.
Ejemplo: Yes, I did / Yes, she did.
Si, lo hice / Si, ella lo hizo.

Y si lo hacemos completa quedaria:
Yes + coma + sujeto + verbo enpasado simple + complemento.
Ejemplo: Yes, I read the book / Yes, he read the book
Si, yo leí el libro. / Si, él leyó el libro.

Interrogativa: Did + Sujeto + Verbo en presente simple + Complemento
Ejemplo: Did you read the book? / Did he read the book?
¿Leíste tú el libro? / ¿Leyó él el libro?

Negativa: Sujeto + didn't + verbo enpresente simple.
Ejemplo: I didn´t read the book / He didn´t read the book
Yo no leí el libro / Él no leyó el libro.El tiempo pasado también es importante para podernos comunicar, por lo que se describe a continuación:

Verb TO BE, Past tense (verbo ser o estar, tiempo pasado)

I was It was
You wereWe were
He was You were
She was They were

Interrogative form.
Was I ...? Was it...?
Were you ...? Were we ...?
Was he ... ? Were you ...?
Wasshe ...? Were they ...?

Negative form.

I was not It was not
You were not We were not
He was not You were not
She was not They were not

Otra forma de contestar en forma afirmativa,es anteponer la palabra YES (si):

Yes, I was Yes, it was
Yes, you were Yes, we were
Yes, he was Yes, you were
Yes, she was Yes, they were.

Y para responder en forma negativa anteponemos la palabra NO:

No, I was notNo, it was not
No, you were not No, we were not
No, he was not No, you were not
No, she was not No, they were not

Contracciones para este verbo.

I wasn't It wasn't
You weren’t We weren’t
Hewasn't You weren’t
She wasn't They weren’t

Ahora veamos la estructura de los otros verbos.


Past tense- Tiempo Pasado. Este es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para expresar acciones que tienen lugar en el momento anterior y con una frecuencia determinada.

Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo enpasado + Complemento
Ejemplo: I read my book yesterday / He read his book yesterday.
Yo leí mi libro ayer / Él leyó su libro ayer.

Para hacer una respuesta corta en forma afirmativa utilizamos: Yes + coma + sujeto + did.
Ejemplo: Yes, I did / Yes, she did.
Si, lo hice / Si, ella lo hizo.

Y si lo hacemos completa quedaria:
Yes + coma + sujeto + verboen pasado simple + complemento.
Ejemplo: Yes, I read the book / Yes, he read the book
Si, yo leí el libro. / Si, él leyó el libro.

Interrogativa: Did + Sujeto + Verbo en presente simple + Complemento
Ejemplo: Did you read the book? / Did he read the book?
¿Leíste tú el libro? / ¿Leyó él el libro?

Negativa: Sujeto + didn't +...
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