Install ubuntu 12.04 on Cubieboard

Páginas: 3 (578 palabras) Publicado: 25 de marzo de 2014
Install ubuntu 12.04 on Cubieboard


I.Download ubunu image&Tool:
cb_a10_nand_ubuntu_desktop_12.04_v1.03.II. LiveSuitV3.05 for linux installation
LiveSuit for linux had supported several common
Releases,such as Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, CentOS,and it's
Drivers have been well supported thekernel version 3.0 Or
higher version. You can also use Window's Livesuit to
burning your Ubuntu system.
Installation Guide:
1. The binary executable file is must
ensure that the fileis executable,we can execute in the
$chmod +x
Increase the permissions to the file.
2.Then we can run to install.If the system
point out that there is lack ofdkms module.Ubuntu user can
use this command to install dkms.
$sudo apt-get install dkms
Please use the yum install or the network to download
the dkms,if you are the other linux version user.3.The program install to ~/bin/.
Awdev-dkms_0.4_all.deb in the ~/Bin/ directory can be used

for Ubuntu user.And you can use this commond to Reinstall
the drives:
$dpkg -iawdev-dkms_0.4_all.deb
If you are the Redhat user,you can use this commond to
Reinstall the drives:
$rpm -ivh awdev-0.4-1dkms.noarch.rpm --force.
4. The server has to be rebooted for the changes to takeeffect.Enter the ~/Bin/ directory and use ./
to tun the LiveSuit.Ubuntu user can add udev rule to read
and write the device without root privileges by this way:
(1)opening a terminal andenter:
$ sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/10-local.rules
(2)enter the root rule and replacesthe "test" with the user
group of the Current user.
SUBSYSTEM!="usb_device", ACTION!="add",GOTO="objdev_rules_end"
ATTRS{idVendor}=="1f3a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="efe8",
GROUP="test", MODE="0666"
(3). You must save the file and then you can run
"" as normal...
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