Irregular verbs

Páginas: 4 (829 palabras) Publicado: 15 de mayo de 2011

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
(past simple or present perfect)

1. My mum _____________ (go) to bed early last night.
2. She_____________ (already take) the books back to the library.
Top of Form 1
3. Jane _____________ (sing) in that pub for the past 5 months.
4. Dad, _____________ (you read) the newspaper yet?5. I _____________ (go)to Prague last summer but I would like to return.
6. _____________ (Peter ever be) to New York?
7. Jane _____________ (begin) her homework as soon as she_____________ (get) home.
8. I _____________ (spend) a lot of money last week. I must save now.
9. We’re not hungry _____________ (we already eat).
10. John _____________ (learn) toplay the piano when he was very young.
11. I _____________ (buy) this dress yesterday, but I think I’ll take it back.
12. Be careful with that computer, It _____________(cost) me a fortune13. I _____________ (think) they were living together but it seems I _____________ (be) wrong
14. _____________ (you ever build) sand castles?

IRREGULAR VERBS|Infinitive |Past |Participle |Meaning |
|Cost |Cost |Cost |Costar |
|Cut |Cut |Cut|Cortar |
|Hit |Hit |Hit |Pegar , golpear (1 golpe) |
|Hurt |Hurt |Hurt |Herir, doler |
|Let|Let |Let |Dejar, Permitir |
|Put |Put |Put |Poner |
|Shut |Shut |Shut|Cerrar |
| | | | |
|Begin |Began |Begun |Empezar |
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