Is classism the root of all oppressions?

Páginas: 6 (1367 palabras) Publicado: 8 de junio de 2011
Is classism the root of all oppressions?

When we think about the world in terms of class, there is a lot of to talk about it.
Taking from the definition that “The notion about class is the disproportion of wealth between two people” 1 (Wright, E. 2000).
History has taught us that money, property and status give people the right to have and abuse the power. In certain societies like the NorthAmerican, the more that you have, more powerful you become. This idea of wealth comes from a pure base capitalism concept, that you are what you have.
I don’t believe that success depends on the amount of capital or social status that people uphold. Unfortunately, the dominant society the white class has rule for centuries having the privilege to control the rest of marginalized groups.

Sincethe colonial time in 1492, the Spaniards came to colonizing the lands of my ancestors. Bringing with them destruction, death, religion, rape and the killings of many natives that had a different way to see the world and still do. When Christopher Columbus came to America, he was not alone; he came with three big ships “La Pinta”, “La Nina” y “La Santa Maria”. Inside of them were many blacks thatcame from Africa as slaves to work in the land for free. They also came here to be sold to the best bitter.

I want to focus on the oppression of women base in class, to demonstrate that this issue can’t be look as an independent factor in society. We can’t analyze class without thinking the role that women play in patriarchal societies. I want to make clear that the gender and race are alsovery relevant to oppression. People can disagree with this idea that class is the root of all oppressions.

I want to go back to the late 1800’s “Women were workers as well, both in waged workplaces and in household and community activities” 2 (Altha J. Cravey and Georgia Ann Cravey, 2008) when many women fought for the rights of women in the labor market. Important names of women like LucyParsons, an African American, Native Mexican woman. As a person of color, she was able to reach the masses and people listen to her discourse and also value her work, because it wasn’t coming from a white women advocating for them. Instead of was Parsons was the victim of persecution and intimidation for her intense work trying to protect the right of women workers in particularly.

“Lucy alsounderstood and sought to illuminate for others the dense dialectical connections between class and gender. In many organizations throughout her life, Lucy called attention to gender inequities within the working class. For instance, when the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) formed in 1905, Lucy called on the organization to recruit women and insisted that women’s dues be lower than men’s sincethe women received much lower pay. Speaking to 200 male delegates at the IWW founding convention of the situation of women, Lucy said:
“We are the slaves of slaves. We are exploited more ruthlessly than men. Whenever wages are to be reduced the capitalist class uses women to reduce them, and if there is anything you men should do in the future it is to organize the women”. 3
We need to open oureyes even today 110 years later the situation hasn’t change much in terms of equality and status for women. The analysis of class has to be done in a frame that we are able to admit that race and gender are also main contributors of discrimination of women around the globe. If we are unable to see that these factors are connected to the patriarchal system, we are closing our logic to the legacy ofdomination and colonization. Unfortunately, in this era of modernization and great changes for humanity in many fields like science, politics, economics, and others; the idea that women are equal to men is still present in people’s mind. I want to illustrate this argument with an interaction that I had recently with a friend. She is an immigrant in Canada, she comes from a country in Central...
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