
Páginas: 2 (259 palabras) Publicado: 26 de octubre de 2010
cada vez que aparece aquella mujer
1.each time that appears that Women
each time it appears that women
vestida con batola blanca ylargos cabellos negros
2.dressed with Batol white and long hair black
Batol dressed in white and black long hair
las luces fallan y todo sevuelve oscuridad
3.the lights fail and all is again darkness

lights fail and everything becomes dark
en medio de las sombras semuestra como una hermosa dama
4.in medium of the shadows is shows as a beautiful lady
amid the shadows is shown as a beautiful lady
esta mujercautiva a los hombres para luego mostrarles sus filosos dientes
5.this Women captive to the men for then show their sharp teeth

thiswoman captivates men and then show its sharp teeth
en vida, esta mujer tuvo un ataque de celos y mato a su esposo
6.in life this Women hada attack of jealousy and killed to its husband
in life, this woman had a jealous rage and killed her husband
ahora seduce a los hombresinfieles con su aparente belleza, para luego asesinarlos
7.now to seduce to the men unfaithful with its apparent beauty, for then killnow lures unfaithful men to their apparent beauty, and then kill them
si se compadece de ellos puede que solo les de el susto de sus vidas8.if is pity of them can that only to them of the scare of their lives
pities if they might just give them the fright of their lives
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