
Páginas: 3 (598 palabras) Publicado: 17 de mayo de 2012
Judaism : belives
Is the religion, philosophy, and way of life of the Jewish people
Is one of the oldest monotheistic world religions.
Judaism originated in Israel around 4000 years ago.Jews believe that there is a single God who not only created the universe, but with whom every Jew can have an individual and personal relationship.
The symbol or emblem of the Jewish peopleis the Magen David (Shield of David), also known as the Star of David.

History: founder It begins with the covenant established between god and Abraham (1812) BC, during the bronze age in themiddle east, Moses, is also an important figure as he gave the Jews the Torah around 1250 B.C. The Torah contains the laws of God
Calendar: the Jewish calendar is different than ours: The Jewishcalendar starts with the day when Adam and Eve were created (the Sixth Day of Creation). This year (2010) is 5770 on the Jewish Calendar. It starts with Rosh HaShanah, the two day Jewish New Year. FromSeptember 2010, the Jewish Calendar will be 5771.
Jewish people: According to traditional Jewish Law, a Jew is anyone born of a Jewish mother or converted to Judaism. There are large Jewish populations inIsrael and the U.S.
There are 3 different kind of jews:
Orthodox (the most religiously observant),
Reform and

ezra made jews came believe that here lay the onlyreal proof
their god is the same god from catholics
Their spiritual leaders are the rabbis Unlike leaders in many other faiths, a rabbi is not a priest and has no special religiousstatus.
synagogue:nouse of prayer can also mean learning together
salomons temple
herods temple
The Torah (Jewish Law), the primary document of Judaism, was given to theJews by the Prophet Moses (Moshe) about 3,300 years ago.
The most holy Jewish book is the Torah (the first five books of the Hebrew Bible). Others include Judaism's oral tradition, the written form...
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