Koc Attack Guide

Páginas: 8 (1793 palabras) Publicado: 15 de abril de 2012
TARGET FL.11: - You must attack with cats to kill defending cats and you MUST have fl.11 too

- You must send exact same number of cats that defender has, ratio is 1:1

- Cats will actually target xbows first and some might die from trebs

- so to kill all cats u must send this number; exact same number of cats defender has + number of xbows +

number of trebs

-in this attack your knight level, attack boost or auras make no affect so don't use them

- in this attack makes no difference to send 5 waves of 20 k cats or one wave of 100 k cats, result will be


- don't waste any other troop with cats, no need to fill out a wave, can't help, you can only suicide

TARGET FL.10 - if you have Fletch 10, then above principles apply

- if youhave higher fetching ratio is 1:2 so you must send only half the number of cats defender has

- if target has xbows and trebs you must increase number of your cats in attacking wave by 1/2 of xbow number +

trebs number

- so to kill all cats u must send this number; 1/2 number of defenders cats + 1/2 number of defenders xbows +

number of trebs

* in both cases trebs can be killed beforewith rams, ratio is much better, i think 1:3 while bals and cats

kill trebs 1:1
** don't send much higher number of cats then necessary, that extra number is pretty much wasted since balls

kill other troops just as efficiently
*** !!!! after killing all or most cats it is highly recommended to kill defenders scouts if you haven't

already, simply send wave of militia + 1 cat, sincedefender cats are dead, all militia will survive til 2nd

round and kill scouts in ratio 1:3. If target has 1 million scouts kill them all before proceeding...!!!!




TARGET FL.11 - once all defenders cats are dead balls are next targeted troop

- you can kill them with cats (ratio is cca 1:2) or balls (ratio is 1:1)

- I highlyrecommend killing with balls since cats are more valuable to be left alive for defending purposes

and most train it only in some cities not all 7

- simply send exact same number of balls defender has (xbows and trebs are dead)

- in this attack your knight level, attack boost or auras make no affect so don't use them, same result if you

send 3 waves of 100 k bals to kill 300k, or if u send300 k to kill 300 k, so aura would be a total waste

- other troops in combination can't help you kill higher number of bals

TARGET FL.10 - all above applies, only ratio is 1:2, you have to send 1/2 number of bals defending to kill them





TARGET FL.11 - once balls and cats are dead your troops target archers

- archerscan be killed with cats, balls and archers

- cats and bals have almost same results so don't use cats under no circumstances, and don't make combos of any

kind, either send bals alone or archers alone

- bals kill archers in ratio 1:2.6 meaning 100 k bals kills 260 k archers, archers kill in ratio 2:1, meaning

100 k archers kills 50 k archers

- since defending archers kill balls in 2ndround auras would be very useful here if you can kill more then

half archers in 1st round (1:1.3), lets say 400 k archers defending, if you send 100 k bals you'll kill only

260 k, but if you send 300 k balls you will kill all 400 k archers in 1st round, and your bals will proceed in

2nd round killing other troops...

- however knight lvl makes no difference, attack boost influence nottested

TARGET FL.10 - NOT FULLY TESTED (I'm not sure do defending archers reach attacker balls in 2nd or in this case

in 3rd round), id it is 2nd round bals wil have exact same result as above (1:2.6) but if it is 3rd round then

ratio is (1:3.9) meaning 100 k balls kills 390 k defending archers

- archers kill in ratio 1:1, 100 k archers kills 100 k archers, here it might be useful to...
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