La Estructura Básica Del Verbo

Páginas: 2 (386 palabras) Publicado: 7 de noviembre de 2012
La estructura básica del verbo "to be":
La estructura básica del afirmativo del verbo "to be"
| Afirmativo | | | |
| Sujeto | Verbo | objeto / complemento | (con y sin contracción) || I | am | a student. | Soy alumno. |
| You | are | happy. | Eres feliz. |
| He | is | John. | Es John. |
| She | is | in the car. | Está en el coche. |
| It | is | a hotday. | Es un día caluroso. |
| We | are | David's parents. | Somos los padres de David. |
| You | are | from Madrid. | Sois de Madrid. |
| They | are | ours. | Son nuestros. |Yes/No questions are questions to which the answer is Yes or No
Look at these statements:
They are working hard.
They will be working hard.
They had worked hard.
They have been working hard.
Theymight have been working hard.

La estructura básica del negativo del verbo "to be" (To be negative)
| Negativo | | | |
| Sujeto | Verbo | objeto / complemento | (con y sin contracción)|
| I | am not | a student. | No soy alumno. |
| You | are not | happy. | No eres feliz. |
| He | is not | John. | No es John. |
| She | is not | in the car. | No está en elcoche. |
| It | is not | a hot day. | No es un día caluroso. |
| We | are not | David's parents. | No somos los padres de David. |
| You | are not | from Madrid. | No sois de Madrid. || They | are not | ours. | No son nuestros. |

La estructura básica del interrogativo del verbo "to be"
| Interrogativo | | | |
| Verbo | Sujeto | objeto / complemento | |
|Am | I | a student? | ¿Soy alumno? |
| Are | you | happy? | ¿Eres feliz? |
| Is | he | John? | ¿Es John? |
| Is | she | in the car? | ¿Está en el coche? |
| Is | it | a hotday? | ¿Es un día caluroso? |
| Are | we | David's parents? | ¿Somos los padres de David? |
| Are | you | from Madrid? | ¿Sois de Madrid? |
| Are | they | ours? | ¿Son nuestros? |...
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