Letter To George Orwell

Páginas: 4 (796 palabras) Publicado: 29 de octubre de 2012
Dear Mister Orwell,
This summer I had the opportunity of reading your novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. I chose your book randomly from many others. The reason I chose Nineteen Eighty-Four is because ofthe title. Your book having a number as a title is what made it interesting for me. I felt curiosity to know what was behind that number. I really enjoyed it because although you wrote it in 1949, itwas so contemporary in relation with many issues and topics you addressed in it, which made the novel intriguing. Among the political elements that caught my attention was the use of propaganda by theruling party in the nation of Oceania. The description of the use of propaganda throughout the book is amazing. I really would like to know how much influence in your book did the communist regimesthat where imposed by the Soviet Union after the second World War had ?The posters hanging all around Oceania with the words ¨Big Brother is watching you´´, create both a feeling of safety to the peopleand the feeling of control among citizens. Also the use of doublethink in the party slogan ´´WAR IS PEACE FREEDOM IS SLAVERY IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH´´ is the most powerful weapon used by the party inmaking them feel that their lives cannot be better, that the party is giving them nothing but the best. I think that you were giving us a heads up of what would happen if a totalitarian world wouldspread. It is interesting that the description of the use of Propaganda is in some ways similar to the way the current government of Ecuador is using communication elements to impose or manipulateinformation, you can say that as in Oceania, here it is being used as weapon to keep control of people.
In your book the thought police controls what people think or they cannot think regarding Big Brotheror the party, it is very interesting that in the book you mention that people cannot have free thoughts. Again, today in Ecuador the government tries to control what people write or say in public...
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