Literatura caribeña resumen

Páginas: 8 (1982 palabras) Publicado: 23 de marzo de 2012
The Contemporary Caribbean: a general overview.
By: Gordon K. Lewis
Author: Wales, Great Britain 1957-1991
- The impact of geography and history is unique on the Caribbean with the exception of Barbados, which is a coral reef formation. The Caribbean is volcano and hurricane country
-the peoples of the Caribbean seem to accept their geographical environment with a sense of fatalisticequanimity. All of the archipelagos territories enjoy a rich, fertile soil, which allows the cultivation of a wide variety of raw tropical products
-Internal and external migration, travel individuals- Necessity of work. The governors and investor has destroyed de ecology of the islands.
-haiti became the first black republic of the Americas in 1804, Santo Domingo celebrates its break from the hatedhaitian in 1844, Cuba dates its independence in 1902
-the traditional black-brown-white triangle of human types is here. “Racially" determined social status, with the whites on top, the lacks at the bottom and the brown mulatto groups. The middle class "people of color". White groups-with the old plutocracy in decline- rearranged their ranks to become a new property-owning class in trade. Black-workers field, service
-it was tied structurally to European capitalist mercantilism with profits flowing to the metropolitan absentee planters and merchant houses, the well-known "colonial pact" compelled the colony to import all from the relevant metropolis and export all to the same source. The post emancipation period ended the tyranny of the master over the slave, but it did not end thecontinuing economic control of the old planter oligarchy
-Carribbean language English, French, Spanish and Dutch.
-Class is endemic- in terms of property ownership or income.
- People in Caribbean have in common: they were colonies, climate, diet (sugar lands), sun sand sex rum, social composition
- Three Periods in the region History
1- Post Discovery- 16,17 and 18 centuries
2-Post Emancipation-following the abolition of slavery (1833 british, 1848 french, 1863 dutch, 1873 Puerto Rico, 1866 Cuba)
Indentured services- internships hired people from another place giving them food and a bed, when it expires you go back to your land, this increases the mixture in population, increases the language, first ones were from the Colony
3- PostIndependence- it was official in 1838, 5 years to teach slaves how to be free since 1833. They create towns away running away from their masters. Grow, urban city, shanty town
* Political-
Cuban revolution- influence impact of universities the intelectuals early 1800’s independence
* Class endemic people of the same class are together (marriages habits) No one study the colonies people just therich people.
* First American novel Mark Twain
* Pan American includes the vision that covers the New World and not restricted by territory
* The lighter skin u were the better social status you have
* Octorron(black), Cuataron(1/4 black), Red black(negroes w freckles),Yellow (light brown hair jabao)
* The whites were the directly descended from Europeans minority (heritpower)
* White creole- born in the caribbean (supervisor of plantations)
* Products profits goes to the metropolis and does not come back
* Education- was not mandatory, just for the rich people

The background.
By: Rhonda Cobham
- writers:
* Wilson Harris "Guyana Quartet"
* H.G. de Lisser "Palace of the Peacock" "White with of Roseball" 1929, JANE’S CAREER (1914)
*Edgar Mittelholzer "Kayawanna trilogy"
* Alfred Mendes "Pith lake" 1934
* Jean Rhys "Wide Sargasso Sea" 1966 White Caribbean Written
* V.S. Reid- new day (1949)
* Tom Mac Dermot "All Ja Library" Tom Redcam he used to hear stories and write them
Themes that problems him with the government
* Claude Mckay- Bannana Bottym (1933) American Literature
* Lisser HG- Janes...
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