Materiales Reciclabes

Páginas: 2 (252 palabras) Publicado: 21 de octubre de 2012
Materials recyclables

In Zicla work to incorporate salvaged materials to industry, keeping your destination are incinerators and landfills, thus helping to close the cycle of materials. Thismanufacture and sell all kinds of recycled products for construction, some examples are:
1. For coating synthetic slate bathrooms. Synthetic tiles that mimic traditional slates, suitable for wallcladding. Lightweight, durable, recycled and recyclable. Composed in 60% recycled plastic and 40% kaolin.
2. Urban banks constructed from recycled plastic profiles. Made of iron and recycled plastic profilesextrusion, very comfortable and weatherproof
3. ECOPLAK. Soundproofing baffle plates formed by self-supporting and weatherproof. 100% crushed composite automotive carpet.
4. TAMOC. New buildingmaterial in the form of rigid board made ​​from a shredded carpet. Separations, furniture, decoration.

Cognates words don`t know but I need to look them up
Incorpórateboard -bordo
Materials baffle -deflector
Incinerators shredded -rallado
Manufacture self-supporting -autoportante
Recycledweatherproof-resistente a la interperie
Products landfills-los rellenos santiarios
Construction salvaged –salvado
Urbanslates -pizarras

* What is the company's goal Zicla?
for recovered materials to be incorporated intothe industry, keeping your destination are incinerators and landfills, thus helping to close the materials cycle
* What are they built recycling banks?
recycled plastic profiles. Made of iron andrecycled plastic profiles extrusion
* Why would tamoc served?Separations, furniture, decoration

Instituto Politécnico Nacional
Centro De Estudios Científicos y Tecnológicos
Wilfrido Massieu...
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