
Páginas: 2 (447 palabras) Publicado: 27 de febrero de 2013
Study guide for first examination of Society, Economics and Politics

1. Define “Scientific Method”.
2. What are the steps of the Scientific Method?
3. What is a “Fair Test”?
4. Isthe scientific method qualitative or quantitative?
5. What is a hypothesis?
6. What is a “reiterative process”?
7. Explain the statement “math is the language of Nature”.
8. Explain thedifference between the aristotelic view on falling bodies and the Galilean explanation.
9. What is “correlation”?
10. What does “empirical” mean?
11. What is a theory?
12. What is auniversal statement?
13. What is a probabilistic statement?
14. Define “Public Opinion”.
15. What is a “Salient Issue”?
16. What is a “Survey Research”?
17. Explain why there areproblems in survey research.
18. What is the difference between the experimental group and the control group in a social research program?
19. What is “Field Research”?
20. What is a “CaseStudy”?
21. What is a “Push Poll”?
22. Describe the “Halo Effect”.
23. What is the acceptable sampling error in a rage of responses in a survey?
24. Who was the first thinker to use theterm “Sociology”?
25. What is sociology?
26. What is a secondary data source?
27. What is field research?
28. What is causality?
29. Who is considered the father of sociology?30. What is social Darwinism?
31. What is the sociological perspective of the School of Chicago?
32. What is the functionalist perspective?
33. What is a social group?
34. What is thedifference between an aggregate group and a category group?
35. What is a reference group?
36. What is a network?
37. Explain the difference between a primary and a secondary group andgive an example of each.
38. What are social dynamics?
39. Explain what a social structure is and give some examples.
40. What is status?
41. What is the difference between ascribed...
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