
Páginas: 2 (252 palabras) Publicado: 13 de enero de 2013
9. How did the ecology of the Nile River Valley civilization compare with the Mesopotamian?

Nile River was very important for egyptian civilization. NileRiver is an important resource thanks to annual floods. Egypts would always cultive crops in Nile River, which would give food to all the poblation. The waterof river Nile, brought many animals like water buffalo and camels. These animals would provide milk and meat. Nile river was also used as waterway for thetransportation of people and merchants. In other hands Mesopotamian means ¨Earth between the rivers¨. It is considered cradle of civilization.

Geographic andeconomic bases of mesopotamian civilization has very big similarities with egyptian civilization. Both of them are located in important rivers, which arebordered in big deserts. En egypt is Nile River and in Mesopotamia is Eufrates. Mesopotanians religions aren´t like egyptians religitions, fundaments of serenityand stability. There is not faith in a better life. The gods of Mesopotamian are rude and mean. Mesopotamian king isn´t considered as deity but is presented asthe human intermedary between gods and humans. In Egypt the Pharaoh was a sacred intermedary because he was god for them. Mesopotamian society was adapted tothe cyclical succession of the stations.The most important celebration was new year, in mesopotamian civilization. For both civilizations, religion was about howto keep the life. But in Mesopotamian they didn´t care about inmortality, they would accept deaths, but what they were trying to maintain was their religion.
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