Obra De Teatro

Páginas: 1 (250 palabras) Publicado: 2 de octubre de 2011
Adreilin rushes through my body as I prepare to face an audience that sits patiently, anxiously awaiting my entrance. Oh, the life ofan actress. My life, my passion, my love. I love the thrill of being able to entertain whild entertaining myself. There isn't a jobin the world I love more than to be on stage in all my glory. It is like you are in another world than your own, able to slip intosomeone elses lefe, someone who you wish you could be, someone who scares you, someone... just for a while. We all at one point or anotherin our lives want to switch characters, be someone else for a day, wald a mile in their shoes... well that is what theatre does. Itallows the impossible to happen. You can be shot and killed and live to remember it. You can seek out wonderous lands without leavingthe comfort of your own town. You ever want to be a kid again? Go ahead. No one is stopping you. You have the power to transform intowho ever your little heart desires. That's the power of the theatre. It teaches confidence, love, tollerance, trust, succulence, andunderstanding. I don't comprehend how anyone could put down the arts, for once you are involved it is something bigger than you,something you don't understand but need in your life. Something you can leave and go back to and feel just as you had before you left.
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