Pastorela En Ingles

Páginas: 38 (9480 palabras) Publicado: 26 de enero de 2013
Pastores Somos, y en el camino ¿por dónde andamos?

Con algunas ideas tomadas de otras pastorelas y adaptadas a esta, así como con algunas ideas originales, salió este guión, la presentación dura alrededor de hora y media.

Pastores Somos y en el Camino ¿por dónde andamos?



Josefina (La floja)
Casiano (El mentiroso)
Abuelo Leocadio (Ellujurioso)

Candelaria (La mamá soltera)
Linda Bella (La hija Vanidosa)
Felipe (El hijo Avaricioso)

Arcángel Gabriel
Pura (La fresa)
Inocencia (La inocente)

Lucifer (Revolucionario, Zapata)
Satanás (El Vitor)
Luzbelina (Gloria Trevi)
First picture: the command of the Archangel Gabriel.
Narrator: realizing God on earth things not were marching as he hadplanned it since it had decided to create man, and that it was sinking in the bane of sin, decided to make the man the best gift that his goodness and his mercy could. He decided to send his son, his only son; so you sow the seed of love and brotherhood among men, and reminded them of the plan which was divine God.
But I needed to find a woman with a good heart and clean soul to make it in her wombwhich carried that be divine in its deadly and human way. Found in the city of Nazareth in Galilee, to a graceful maiden name Maria; the Lord had chosen her outside she who gave birth, educated and take care of his son on Earth.
Then God had the necessity of proclaiming Mary its very important task; and for this purpose chose best-its Angeles; the Archangel Gabriel.
Listening to music of harps orflutes, with scenery of clouds.
Divine: (comes running with a laptop in hand, starts to cry Gabriel) Gabriel, Gabriel. where are you? where are you stuck?
Enter pure and innocent playing to bring them, they run one after the other, they take to divine and give several turns, when they released it divine wobbles dizzy.
Divine: (that still wobbles) there are, already or grind it, left me moredizzy than drunk at parties in Tejaro. Hey have not seen Gabriel? I have a very important part of our Lord's message and can not find it.
Pura: (with tone strawberry) there is divine, or down two flashing to your OK stress as you explain? Mira te presto my cell phone so that you mark and ask him where to go, you not confussed.
Innocence: If lend you your cellulite.
Pura: cell phone innocence,Phone!!!! I do not have cellulite, I bought a newly ordered snail extract cream.
Divine: Huy, as if so much Baba you not put bab... It therefore provides cell phone... (That sounds "mensajito mensajito" ringtone)
Innocence: wait wait, no answer no answer!!!! (It gets to dance)
Divine: Andale chiquita, who you see, your so nice, so fashion, so Strawberry and with that tonito so sui generis.Innocence mocks. Pura removes the cell phone to divine and reads the message.
Pura: your comment is out side eh, mean, or to the case, zero cool. Gabriel, he says that he is coming.
Heard the sound of an airplane passing, then a scream, and after shouting a blow, the Archangel Gabriel while she complains and soba back.
Gabriel: Haaaaay, these heavenly taxi drivers increasingly handled worse, thenthese wings who walks them failing landing. That whack me just put, I think I have to visit to the chiropractor.
And you making here? do rally again? O hunger strike? (Turning up) there are my God, in good time did its syndicate of Angeles!!
Divine: not not not Gabriel, any rally or anything like that, we are waiting for because St. Peter sent you a message on the part of our Lord, a very, veryimportant mission, mira, mira, here what you have.
Gabriel receives the laptop and opens it; you listening the music from mission impossible and begins to hear the voice of St. Peter by telling him the message.
St. Peter's voice: (Carraspea the throat) already being recorded? Archangel Gabriel, men on earth are being lost in sin, and God our Lord has decided to send his son to earth that live...
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