Proyecto final de biología

Páginas: 3 (595 palabras) Publicado: 26 de septiembre de 2015
Proyecto final de biología

Alejandro Benitez
Jhamilton García

Zion School

Proyecto final de biología

1) Introducción:
También llamada "Ingeniería genética", se tratadel desarrollo de técnicas, métodos y procedimientos que permiten una manipulación directa del material genético para alterar la información hereditaria de una célula, organismo o población. Se puedenproducir cantidades ilimitadas de productos biológicos de otra manera escasos aplicando la biogenética, identificando y transportando los genes que codifican para los productos de interés hacia nuevossistemas biológicos de mayor eficiencia.
2) palabras clave
3) Abstract
Generalis Biology
Generalis Biology was founded in 1925 and published in Vienna and New York. His goal was to provide a placefor the publication of papers on general biology in the broad sense, rather than those that fall strictly within the scope of either botany or zoology. It included borderline issues as aspects ofbiophysical chemistry or have application to biology or medicine, genetics, viruses, General cytology, history and philosophy of biology and various other topics. Mr. Springer, Vienna, now resumed thepublication of the magazine under the direction of Professor Ludwig von Bertalanffy. The editor points out that war deeply affected the exchange of scientific knowledge and ideas, and biologists from thecenter of Europe, in particular, have been isolated almost while it lasted. Generalis Biology is the first magazine to be published biological in Austria since the Reconstruction period, and appeals totheir colleagues editor outside world for their help and support for the restoration of international cooperation that existed previously biology. Articles will be accepted for publication inEnglish, French, German and Italian, the address of the publisher is Wien 111/40 Weissgärberlände 52.

4) Avances en biotecnología

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