
Páginas: 3 (616 palabras) Publicado: 21 de marzo de 2012
Could this accountfor stories about blackpanihers?
Displaced animals are creatures that are indigenous to onc place but are mysteriously seenin another. Florida is well-known for sightings of displaced animals, usually an exotic species that has escaped captivity or thai has been released by its keeper. Tropical species can survive quitewell in Florida’s subtropical environment. Eyewitnesses have reported strange sightings of everything from monkeys to monitor lizards. The strangest w&s a road kill in 2005 of a grey kangaroo onlnterstate-95 in Brevard County, We can only wonder about where it carne üom. Such reports are usually limited to a single animal in a particular arca and not widespread sightings across (he state.One moming, vvhilc driving on Route 3 through the Mcrritt Island Wildlife Refugc, I saw a strange animal dart across the road in Iraní of my vehicle. At first it appeared to be a large otler, but asccond glance told me it was a jaguarundi. Maving spent time in Central American jungles, I was familiar with. this animal, at least enough to identify it. 1 reported my sighting to the local wildlifcbiologist who acknowlcdgcd a history of jaguanindi sightings in the wildlife areas of Merritt Island. l'hc Federal Wildlife Service, using trip-cameras, had cven tried unsuccessfully to get a picture ofa jaguarundi.
ITie jaguarundi is a small cat indigenous to South and Central America but is known to range as far north as the Arizona and Texas borders. It is often referred to as the ‘"otter cat”becausc of its otter-like characteristics. Measuring from its head to the tip of its long thick ta.il, the animal has a low, clongated body whích can. reach a length of 50 inches and weigh 20 pounds,making it larger than domcstic cats but smaller than a jaguar or panther. It is a solitary, secretive creature that is difíicult to track and, usually, only sccn by being in the right place at the...
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