Relación Entre El Cerebro Y El Lenguaje

Páginas: 9 (2009 palabras) Publicado: 23 de noviembre de 2012
Assignment 1Subject: Psycholinguistics Teacher: Marciano Escutia LópezRealisation: Rafael Accorinti Elvira Calderón Ana Casado Language SpeechesLanguage has been always a relevant matter for all humans in order to communicate with others by sharing feelings and ideas for maintaining a culture. Due to its world-wide importance, this topic has been introduced and deeply explained by professorPaul Bloom at Yale University and by professor Robert Sapolsky at Stanford’s linking different ideas relating language as second language and mother tongue, its acquisition regarding babies, to what extent is language a cognitive inherent activity found in the brain, how this languages are constructed and a brief explanation of non-human communication.The meaning of language explained in bothspeeches refers to the human ability to interact with others by using words compiled together following a set of linguistic rules. Therefore, this scientific notion of language is restricted firstly to systems like Dutch, English or Spanish although it can be argued that language can refer also to music, art or what animals do. The principal characteristic of all languages is that they are present inevery culture aiming at describing true abstract concepts or lying about them from the past, the present or the future. These languages can be spoken by every single person who has no neurological problems or who has not been isolated from the society, because language must have been heard before in order to learn it. This statement is reinforced by Darwin's words as 'all humans instinctively needto speak rather than write or read'. As an example of this, ancient cultures who had no language in common created the pidgin in order to communicate with each other by mixing up different languages. Once the pidgin had been established by a set of grammatical and syntactical rules, it received the name of 'creole'.Therefore, it can be stated that language is part of human nature and its peculiarcharacteristic of creativeness and the possibility of obtaining infinite number of results with a finite vocabulary makes language even more interesting to study.However, where is language found? Is it innate or is actually learnt through time?In order to give response to these questions, the very well-known linguistic Noam Chomsky had came to a theory where he stated that there is a part of thebrain responsible for language acquisition as this capacity to speak is primary inherent. He also added by another theory named The Generativity of Language that all children create new constructions, words and sentences although this might have not been reinforced previously. Studies made in Nicaragua with deaf children proved latest Chomsky's point that children can make up their own language inorder to communicate, first by using words and after by adding a hierarchical linguistic construction. The reason for this is then the existence of an innate structure of language that enables kids to generalize the rules of language such as grammar and syntax. Moreover, language acquisition is further supported by the model based on the poverty of stimulus which suggest that more language isgenerated than heard or rewarded as some cultures do not consider speaking to their babies because they cannot produce a word but these still acquire language in the end.Further studies have came to the conclusion that language relates more to underlying cognition rather than being a primary motoric activity where some proves are, in first place that deaf babies who are learning ASL begin babblingwith sign language at the same time as non-deaf ones or that individuals that speak ASL experience similar communication difficulties as non-deaf people after a stroke, depending on which area of the brain was hit. In addition, both spoken and ASL have prosody, the meaning of emotional tone of a message that is separated from the word itself; tone, humour, rhythm as well as accents, puns and...
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