Responsibility to the future

Páginas: 11 (2707 palabras) Publicado: 17 de diciembre de 2011

ID: L0395PRPR1010

BABMS3-BLE-Business Law and Ethics

The globalization of the markets this days is being influenced by the awareness and necessity of making a responsibility to the future, giving a meaning and importance to the business ethics and corporate socialresponsibility, terms which are getting stronger and day by day positioning themselves between the principal activities in companies; Responsibility that benefits stakeholders, understanding shareholders, suppliers, consumers, employees, community, environment and everything involved in the market place and which can be direct or indirect welfares.

These concepts are not coming from new days, as theterm business appears the CSR and BE perform in some aspects that a long the years is changing the world’s mentality in how to make business responsibly to guarantee growth, profit maximization, organisational effectiveness, taking care about the resources for wellbeing in the future and how it does not depend on where or the type of industry or market you are in, every place o the world can besafety, healthy and advance.

The corporate social responsibility works in a line of three factors: profit, people and planet, covering the complete group and interested parts benefited and considering that it is important to have clear objectives and a flexible plan with a team in the company working on it. All of this regulated and guided by different organisms and entities developing policies andprojects to ensure all of them are being covered correctly and transparency to fulfil the objectives sought.


Companies today are more competitive in their field and are increasingly taking strategies to ensure success. These organizations are adopting tools such as corporate social responsibility, because day after day have faced different implications of the activitiesdeveloped, for that reason should plan business strategies. (Werther & Chandler 2010)

It is necessary to determine the level of corporate involvement in social issues, as this will affect the optimization of the benefits of stakeholders both internal and external, it is important to analyse the different companies that implement policies to achieve satisfying needs and expectations of members.This research will generate reflection and discussion about the policies implemented by firms to build confidence in the different environments surrounding it and similarly respond to the processes generated by globalization, in order to generate more competition.

This will describe the various indicators of corporate social responsibility as active and voluntary contribution to improvingsocial, economic and environmental factors, normally with the purpose of improving their competitive position, judgment and added value and excellence inside the company, taking with special attention to people and their working conditions and the quality of their production processes, finally was shown what the motivating factors to be socially responsible, as these are which animate employers to theimplementation of social responsibility as well as the concept of business ethics and how does it critically describes and examines the people and institution behave in the word of business as a tool to help managers to make decisions. (Griseri & Seppala, 2010)


The concept of CSR (corporate socialresponsibility) and BE (business ethics) is old as the term of business itself although the concept was not officially framed until recently.
"The first formal reference of corporate social responsibility was the proposal by Andrew Carnegie, who in his book The Gospel of Wealth found that prosperous individuals and companies should take own responsibility to manage the capital of their organizations and...
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