
Páginas: 5 (1146 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2013
Pasado Simple – (Simple Past Tense)
El Pasado Simple es un tiempo verbal que se utiliza para describir acciones que han sucedido en un tiempo anterior y que ya han finalizado, por ejemplo:
She cleaned her house. Ella limpió su casa.
I broke the window. Yo rompí la ventana.

Ella limpió su casa. Ella Limpio Su Casa.
Rompí la ventana. Yo rompi la ventana.
Aquí vemos su conjugación que en elespañol equivale al Pretérito Indefinido. Observa que la estructura de la oración es similar a la del Presente Simple:

Tanto en la forma interrogativa como en negativa se utiliza como auxiliar DID que es la forma pasada del verbo “TO DO” y acompaña al verbo principal en su forma infinitiva. En las negaciones puede utilizarse la forma contraída de DID NOT o sea DIDN’T. En el cuadro superior seemplea el verbo To Play (Jugar) a modo de ejemplo.
Al expresar una oración en Pasado Simple se entiende que la acción no guarda relación con el presente, como vemos en los siguientes casos:
He lost the keys. Él perdió las llaves.
(Puede que en el presente las haya encontrado).She lent me a book. Ella me prestó un libro.
(Puede que ya se lo haya devuelto).
También es posible indicar el momentoen que se desarrolla la acción para indicar el tiempo con mayor precisión:
They saw the movie last night. Ellos vieron la película anoche.
We went to London yesterday. Nosotros fuimos a Londres ayer.
Para poder formar una oración en tiempo pasado debemos distinguir dos tipos: VERBOS REGULARES y VERBOS IRREGULARES.
En el primero de los casos forman su Pasado Simple añadiendo laterminación ED al infinitivo, mientras que los irregulares reciben ese nombre por no seguir un patrón determinado y en este caso deben estudiarse individualmente.
1. He did the homework
2. He was playing soccer
3. She went to Italy
4. I played in classes
5. The birthday was
6. She played with her cousin
7. We did not do the job
8. They participated in an activity
9. He ate too
10. She lost therace
11. the beating his teammate
12. the wise Italian
13. He had a new game
14. he won many awards
15. She played basketball in Germany
16. I walk by the seashore
17. He was in another country
18. she went to the beach at night
19. John went to the cinema to see a horror movie
20. a child outside the bank coins paid
21. I visit my grandparents on Sunday
22. My cousin calledme to leave
23. a child crying in the supermarket
24. He returned to Italy
25. He flew on a helicopter
26. we played all afternoon
27. they did not know English
28. they sang at the theater
29. I strike a worker
30. The bathroom was on the beach
31. she watched TV all afternoon
32. He gave her a necklace to a friend
33. I ran in the Olympic Games
34. they participated in aSouth American championship
35. we play in the square
36. Yesterday it rained in Talca
37. they saw the work
38. He read many books in class
39. we had to write many sentences
40. They danced in the square
41. happened to all the test questions
42. She sold all her toys
43. I bought many games
44. He was in France
45. He played all night
46. she had to go to his cousin47. We went to where some friends
48. She cleaned her house
49. I broke the window
50. He lost the keys
51. She lent me a book
52. I liked the movie last night.
53. He pronounced the words well.
54. You noticed Julia's new dress.
55. You missed me last week.
56. They arrived this morning.
57. She used the correct word.
58. We waited for you after class.
59. She invited him toher party.
60. I expected to see her yestErday.
61. They received a letter this morning.
62. Yesterday, I had lunch at Mary¨s house
63. Last year I read awesome books
64. You left me
65. You took a part of me when you went away
66. I bought milk and bread at the grocery
67. Mary washed her car carefully
68. Mother prepared the meals
69. Shops and galleries were closed...
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