"Sida y comportamientos en mozambique

Páginas: 31 (7706 palabras) Publicado: 25 de enero de 2012
© 2006. Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés

Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique, 2006, 54 : 341-354

AIDS-related knowledge and behaviors in Mozambique
Connaissances et comportements face au SIDA en Mozambique A. FONT(1), R. PUIGPINÓS(1, 2), I.E. CHICHANGO(3), N. CABRERO(2), C. BORRELL(1)
(1) Agència de Salud Pública de Barcelona, Plaza Lesseps 1, E-08023 Barcelona. Email : rpuigpi@aspb.es(Reprints: R. Puigpinós) (2) Medicus Mundi Catalunya. (3) Serviço Nacional de Saúde de Moçambique.

Background: The objective of this study was to describe attitudes and knowledge about AIDS among the population aged 15 to 49 in Chókwè (Mozambique) during the period from March to May 2004, and to study associated factors. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted by interviewing 1055 people aged15 to 49, of both sexes, residents in Chókwè (68,698 inhabitants). The questionnaires employed are known as the Behavior Surveillance Survey. Dependent variables were: knowledge about transmission routes and preventive methods, use of condoms and having had sexual relations with an irregular partner during the past 12 months. Odds ratios were calculated for the association between these variablesand age, sex, educational level, neighborhood of residence, number of relations in the last 30 days, and whether AIDS tested, by fitting Logistic Regression models (bivariate and multivariate). Results: Over 99% of the sexually active population of Chókwè knew about AIDS and condoms. More than half of the population of Chókwè has a good knowledge of preventive methods and of transmission routes.72.9% of men and 91.3% of women did not use the condom when having sexual relationships. It was observed that a low educational level implied a lower degree of knowledge about preventive methods (OR = 2.48, 95% CI: 1.60-3.84) and about transmission routes (OR = 2.49, 95% CI: 1.37-4.52), less condom use and less relations with irregular or sporadic partners. The probability of not using condoms washigher among females, among people living in less privileged districts, with no education (OR = 3.79; 95% CI: 1.80-7.99), with regular partners (OR = 4.36; 95% CI: 1.93-9.84) and among people who have not had an AIDS test. Conclusion: Knowledge of preventive methods and transmission routes is good in more than half of the population of Chókwè. The majority of men and women do not use the condomwhen having sexual intercourse. Moreover, inequalities may be observed as a function of educational level and district socioeconomic level. Knowledge of preventive practices, mainly among socio-economically disadvantaged groups, must be improved and strategies designed to broaden access to use of condoms by everyone should be implemented.
AIDS. HIV. Knowledge. Behaviors. Practices. Africa..Position du problème : L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier les connaissances et les comportements sur le SIDA, dans la tranche d’âge 15-49 ans, de la population de Chókwè, Mozambique. Méthodes : Étude transversale par interview de 1 055 personnes de 15 à 49 ans, de Chókwè (68 698 habitants). L’instrument de mesure utilisé est l’un des questionnaires du Behaviour Surveillance Survey. Les variablesdépendantes étaient la connaissance des voies de transmission, la connaissance des méthodes préventives, l’utilisation du préservatif et le fait d’avoir eu des rapports
Texte reçu le 26 juillet 2005. Acceptation définitive le 2 mars 2006.



sexuels avec des partenaires irréguliers au cours des 12 derniers mois. L’Odds ratio a été calculé pour l’associationentre ces variables et l’âge, le sexe, le niveau d’études, le quartier de résidence, le nombre de relations pendant les derniers 30 jours et le fait d’avoir fait le test du SIDA, avec modèles de régression logistique bivariée et multivariée. Résultats : Environ 99 % de la population sexuellement active de Chókwè connaît le SIDA et le condom. Plus de la moitié de la population de Chókwè a une bonne...
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