Sociedad Inglesa

Páginas: 2 (400 palabras) Publicado: 13 de mayo de 2012
iedad Colegio Boston

“English society in the 18th


12 – 03 -12

Reduce the epidemics and plague
More peace andmore production
The society grows a lot
The society have a high grade of unliteracy
They want to separate the education from the religion
The illustrated philosophers want to give to the society moreeducation

Start the illustration
Start the contamination
The people value the time, work and money
England been the first power
The emigration grows
The middle clase were the most importantThe fist machines was the vapour machine
Cover many needs producing with machines in less time
First age of Industrial Revolution

PERSONALITY: Proud, he doesn´t show his feelings, goodnature, kind.

APPERANCE: Tall, black hair, straight hair, handsome, big eyes, small mouth.
PERSONALITY : Hones, she judge in a bad way the people, she is a good person, worried about her familyAPPERANCE: Tall, slim, brown hair, curly hair, brown eyes

PERSONALITY: Shy, kind, humble in the way that he doesn´t is arrogant.

APPERANCE: Small, blon, red headed, curly hair, green eyes.P1. England in the 18th century was like the other countries because they have a preserver ideas but then appear very good events like INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION and the ILLUSTRATION that change England inall the looks.

P3. The Industrial Revolution was a very good event because it helps to the society, cover many needs producing with machines in less time; In the life of the people occur a radicalchange since machines appear and it was a improvement in the communication and transportation like railway and boats. The Illustrated Philosophers propose good ideas like give more education foreveryone and they want to separate the education from the religion.

P3. The bad things was that the society have a high grade of unliteracy because the people was very closed to the religion; In the...
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