Solicitud De Empleo En Ingles

Páginas: 3 (746 palabras) Publicado: 6 de octubre de 2011
Company Name:____________________________________________________________


Part-Time Employment Application.

Applicant Information:

Applicant Name:____________________________________________________________

Home Phone: _________________________________
Cell Phone: _________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________

CurrentAddress: ____________________________________________________________

Number and street: _________________________________
City: _________________________________ State & Zip code:______________________________

How were you referred company? _________________________________


Position (s) applying for: _________________________________

Are you applying for?* Temporary part-time work – such as summer or holiday work? [ ] Y or [ ] N
* Regular part-time work? [ ] Y or [ ] N

What days and hours are you available for work?_________________________________________

If applying for temporary work, when will you be available? _________________________________

If hired, on what date can you start working? _____/ _____/ _____/Can you work on the weekends? [ ] Y or [ ] N

Can you work evenings? [ ] Y or [ ] N

Personal Information:

Have you ever applied to / worked for company before? [ ] Y or [ ]N
If yes, please explain (include date): ________________________________________________

If hired, would you have transportation to / from work? [ ] Y or [ ] N

Are you over the age of18? [ ] Y or [ ] N

If under 18, do you have working papers? [ ] Y or [ ] N

If hired, are you willing to submit to and pass a controlled substance test? [ ] Y or [ ] NHave you ever been convicted of a criminal offense (felony or misdemeanor)? [ ] Y or [ ] N

If yes, please state the nature of the crime(s), when and where convicted and disposition of the...
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