
Páginas: 30 (7418 palabras) Publicado: 30 de octubre de 2012
5 Essential Steps to
Effective Web Measurement
Your roadmap for managing your website data and
enhancing your success.
B est Pr actice Guide


• Effectively identify, measure, and analyze key metrics.
• Improve Website performance through innovation and optimization
• View sample reports and key metrics analysis.

There are five steps to structuring a Web analytics program.Plan
each one carefully, and you’ll be well on your way to a more successful and profitable Web site. The steps may seem intuitive, but
discussion and agreement with your team now will avoid problems
as the program unfolds.
steP 1: Measure

5 Fundamental Steps to Effective
Web Measurement
Many marketers shy away from Web analytics because it sounds
more like a logarithmic equation than amarketing solution. But at
its core, Web analytics is simply measuring the behavior of visitors
to a Website, particularly those measurements that indicate what
aspects of the Website are helping to drive the business objectives.
After you strip away the multi-syllabic veneer, Web analytics is really
nothing more than an incredibly effective tool to help you grow your
business. It’s a surefireway to determine the success of your new
online advertising campaign. It is a definitive answer to perplexing
questions such as: Is rich media more interesting to consumers than
text content? It allows you to quit guessing about which promotion works better: a free toaster or a new Porsche GT3. (Okay, you
already know the answer to that question, but you get the idea.)
And it takes the focusof measurement away from just raw data
reporting, and more towards a model of total business reporting. In
short, it allows you to better optimize your ROI.
But with a nearly unlimited amount of data available about your
Web site, Web analytics can seem complex and overwhelming. But
it doesn’t have to be. It’s really surprisingly simple, and the results
are nothing less than stunning. Infact, by following five simple
steps, you can ensure a successful Web analytics program for your
company’s Web site. So rather than just paying lip service to a solid
program, arm yourself with some Web analytics basics and start to
reap the rewards of a more productive and profitable Web site.
WeB anaLytics: A process for collecting data, conducting
analysis, and reporting Web site activityand results.
But First, the chaLLenGes
A Forrester Research study indicates that the number one obstacle
(cited by 46% of all respondents) to successful Web analytics is
figuring out how to take action from the data collected. With so
much information available, a multitude of questions can arise:
Have I captured the right information? Is it usable and actionable?
What does this data tellme? How can I use it immediately?
Many online marketers start by structuring a program based on
the performance of others companies or general market research
studies. Don’t make this mistake. Focus on optimizing your own
objectives, and Web analytics will be successful for you. And all you
need to get started is a well thought-out strategy that will shape
your Web analytics program.Capture Success Metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)
Recently, companies have moved away from measuring volumes
of raw data that may provide little or no insight, and have instead
focused on measuring the impact on key business objectives. By
determining what metrics to measure, you greatly simplify your
Web site analytics, and help ensure success. And, it’s usually pretty
simple tofigure out just what metrics you should be capturing.
First of all, determine what type of site you have. A lead generation site will have very different measurements than a subscription
content site, and a customer service site is a million miles away
from an ecommerce site.
Most sites can be defined by one of four categories (Ecommerce,
Content & Advertising, Lead Generation, or Customer...
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