
Páginas: 20 (4942 palabras) Publicado: 8 de abril de 2012
Geography Summary for Bimestrial Exam

Section 1, chapter 2
The arrival of the Europeans
Key terms:
1. Indigenous: belonging to a certain place.
2. Missionary: are religious people who want to convert others to their religion.
3. Indentured servant: a person who must work for a period ofyears to gain freedom.
4. Boycott: refuse to buy, refusal to buy or use goods and services.

The First Americans:

Many Scientists think that the Native Americans migrated from Asia, like 30 000 years ago in smalls groups of Hunters and Gathers they reached North America from Asia. This migration took place during the last iceage. In that time, so much water froze into thick ice sheets that the sea level dropped. As a result a land bridge was form between Siberia and Alaska. Hunters followed herbs (manadas) of bison (es un animal) and mammoths (mamuts) across the bridge. Other migrants paddled small boats and fished over the coasts.
The first Americans spread out throughout North and South America. Theydevelop different types of living to suit (adaptarse) the environment. Many Native Americans disagree this theory; they think they have always live there. All people consider Native Americans Indigenous.

The Europeans Arrive:

The life of millions of indigenous people in the Americas began to change after 1492. That year Christopher Columbus,a spanish captain sailing from spain , explored islands in the Caribbean. His voyage open his way for European colonization.

Spanish in the Americas:

The spanish settlers who followed columbus spread out throughout the Americas. They went to the southwestern United states Mexico, Florida, the Caribbean Islands and South America. Spaingained wealth from its American colonies. The colonists often enslave the Native Americans. They force then to wok in mines and in farms, the conditions were so harsh or so difficult that thousands of them died. Spanish missionaries tried to make Native Americans more like Europeans.

French in the Americas:Seeing Spain success, other countries also wanted colonies in America. The french claimed land along the Mississippi river and the Saint Lawrence river. The french were interested in fur and the spanish in gold. The French and the Spanish brought deceases along with them. Millions of Native Americans died because there were deceases that they had never been expose to beforesuch as the smallpox and measles.

English Colonists:

The english settlers also arrived, they establish or crated a group of colonies along the Atlantic coast. These settlers came to start a new life, others to be free from debt, others wanted to own land or to practice their religions freely and others came as indentured servants. The firstpermanent English settlement was Jamestown, Virginia formed in 1607. In 1619 the first Africans arrived as indentured servants. Later, in 1640 africans were brought to colonies as slaves. Some were forced to work in plantations and in big farms in the south. In 1620 the pilgrims arrived in Massachusetts from England. They wanted to worship god in their own way and to govern themselves. About 60years later William Penn founded The Pennsylvania colony. He wanted a place were everyone was treated fairly. He paid Native Americans the land and then settlers took the land and fought Naive Americans. In 1700s Britain and and France had several wars. In 1754 Britain and France when to war over land in North America. The British fought France and their Native American allies. The Americans call...
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