Teaching Knowlegde Test Glossary

Páginas: 4 (798 palabras) Publicado: 8 de agosto de 2012
ICELT Course


|Term |Definition ||Affective Strategies |Identifying one’s feelings |
| |Record thelearners’ feeling in relation to learning as negative attitudes and beliefs can reduce learners’ |
| |motivation and harm language learning, while positiveattitudes and beliefs can do the reverse. |
|Attention span |Estimates for the length of human attention span are highly variable and depend on the precise definitionof |
| |attention being used |
|Connected Speech|Spoken language in which the words join to form a connected stream of sounds. |
|Consonant Blends |Part of the phenomenon of reduced speech. Spokentwo-word sequences that obscure a word boundary. |
|Coherence |The relationships which link the meanings of utterances (in speaking) or sentences (inwriting). |
|Cohesion |The grammatical and/or lexical relationships between the different elements of a text. |
|Collocation|The tendency for words to occur regularly with others: sit/chair, house/garage. |
|Critical Thinking |Involves logical thinking andreasoning including skills such as comparison, classification, sequencing, |
| |cause/effect, patterning, webbing, analogies, deductive and inductive reasoning,...
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