Páginas: 12 (2836 palabras) Publicado: 19 de marzo de 2015

DEAFNESS (Skimming)
HORSES (true cognates)
RACE HOLSTEIN (pronouns and verbs)
GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG (pronouns, verbs and nouns)
DONKEYS (pronouns , verbs , nouns, true cognates , adjectives and modal verbs)
GABARRO (pronouns , verbs , nouns, true cognates , adjectives , modal verbs and false cognates)

Genetic defects can cause a dog borndeaf, known as congenital deafness , deaf but can also be due to an infection or injury to the ear .

By age , when they are already old men can also be losing hearing.
to most common cause of congenital deafness is related pigmentation. For example Dálmatas , with its characteristic white color, which is not real hair color , stains are. These whites come from skin without pigment that produceswhite hair . If skin without pigment in the inner ear nerve endings atrophy and die during the first weeks of life of the puppy , leading to deafness . Maybe your dog is deaf in one ear only , which is called unilateral deafness is deaf or maybe the two , known as bilateral deafness.

Genetic defects can cause a dog born deaf, known as congenital deafness , deaf but can also bedue to an infection or injury to the ear .

The most common cause of congenital deafness is associated with pigmentation. For example Dalmatians , with its characteristic white color, which is not real hair color , stains are.

Los defectos genéticos pueden causar que un perro nazca sordo, se conoce como sordera congénita, pero también puede quedar sordo debido a una infección o herida enel oído. Por la edad, cuando ya son viejecitos también pueden ir perdiendo audición.
La causa más común de sordera congénita está relacionada con la pigmentación. Por ejemplo los Dálmatas, con su característico color blanco, que no es el color de pelo verdadero, las manchas sí lo son. Estas partes blancas provienen de piel sin pigmento que produce el pelo blanco. Si hay piel sin pigmento en eloído interno las terminaciones nerviosas se atrofian y mueren durante las primeras semanas de vida del cachorro, dando lugar a la sordera. Puede que tu perro esté sordo sólo de un oído, lo que se llama sordera unilateral o puede que está sordo de los dos, que se conoce como sordera bilateral.

Los defectos genéticos pueden causar que un perro nazca sordo, se conoce como sordera congénita, perotambién puede quedar sordo debido a una infección o herida en el oído.

La causa más común de sordera congénita está relacionada con la pigmentación. Por ejemplo los Dálmatas, con su característico color blanco, que no es el color de pelo verdadero, las manchas sí lo son.

The first specimen known so far, belonging to the family of horses, was the Eohippus, is estimated to haveapproximately 55 million years old. The fossil of this specimen was discovered in North America in 1867. It was about 30 inches, with pads on the legs (four front and three behind) inhabiting the forested areas and wetlands. This issue has spread to Europe in the period called the Eocene.
The species evolved due to climate change, resulting in various types such as: Mesohippus that was a little older, hadthree toes on each foot and more efficient teeth that allowed him to eat a more varied vegetation, having made ​​25-40 million years, the descendant of this issue is the Miohippus, then Merychippus, this issue had some resemblance to the donkey, with the difference that had a middle finger in the center, which helped him achieve great speed and longer distances
The Dinohippus and Pliohippus werethe first species they had helmets formed, the lateral toes were gone, and there was 2-5000000 years ago. In the ice age, the number of these ancestors of the horse was declining to be extinct in the Americas approximately eight thousand years ago. There is evidence that the horse was domesticated five or six thousand years ago, the first to venture into the domestication of the horse were...
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