The conservation of the yasuni area and the communities

Páginas: 10 (2262 palabras) Publicado: 15 de mayo de 2011
Class Number: 1
Topic: Final Paper Work


The Yasuni is one of the most important areas of our country, because of the diversity of nature, the vast areas of oil, and its endemics communities; but this area is been affected by a serious problem because of the oil that exist in there, oil companies and the government in order tosatisfy their necessity of gaining profit are destroying it, even though there exist as I said before endemic communities and an important ecosystem that must be protected.
The Yasuni
The Yasuni area is an area found Between two provinces Pastaza and Napo, the creation of this place was on July 26, of 1979, with the main goal of protect this area surrounded by a diversity of animals, plants andendemic communities. This area was declared “Reserva Mundial de la Biosfera” by the UNESCO.

On the 26 of July in 1979 the government of the Ecuador declare this area as a protect one, this make the Yasuni the most large protected area; this involves a huge amount of humid/ tropical forest. Keep the area as a natural laboratory for research on tropical ecosystems and provide opportunities forknowledge of the resources in their natural state and encourage the development of recreational, tourism and education.

YASUNI ITT (Ishpingo-Tambococha-Tiputini)
The ITT is the major known oil reserves in Ecuador, live under the ITT block exist over 900 million barrels, this is really important for the oil companies and the government, but also in there exists endemic communities like theHuaorani the Tagaeri and Taromenane which are in constant danger because of the oil exploitation.
Recently this area has been the center of many discussions between the government, the oil companies and the communities because of the large amount of oil unexploded, the government of the Ecuador have decided to keep the oil underground, with the only condition that international organizations, thecitizens, different enterprises with social responsibility provide economical compensation, at least half of the utilities that they would received if they exploit this area.

But this is not an easy topic; because it’s really difficult with the current economy to expect this kind of help even if it’s such a noble cause as this is. Despite this the vice- president of the Ecuador Lenin Moreno, isworking in order to accomplish this goal and keep the oil underground

“The Vice- president Lenin Moreno, make today at the ONU a wakeup call specially aim at the industrialize countries, to support this initiative economically ,specially the environmental initiative if the Yasuni- ITT, as a acknowledges to the “responsibility with the climate change”

This active participation of the Vice-president is really important in order to save this area, on this way the international community is going to see that the country is truly concern about keeping the oil underground, but the international community has not yet awake in order to help this are, many countries had already offer its help but in the end have decided not to; pulling out all the efforts that the government is making.

The ITT field is home for several indigenous communities, one of them is the Huaorani people, this community especially of hunters lives in complete isolation. In 1990, and the Huaorani won the rights to an indigenous reserve covering some 6,125.60 square kilometers, thus enabling a semi-autonomous existence. However, this title does not extend to subsoil minerals including extensiveoil deposits. The Ecuadorian government has proceeded to license the petroleum drilling rights in the region to multinational oil corporations. The protected status of Yasuni National Park, which overlaps with the Huaorani reserve, provides some measure of environmental protection.

Also this is part of the territory used by three indigenous communities: the Tagaeri, Taromenani and Oñamenane...
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