To have a child

Páginas: 3 (574 palabras) Publicado: 4 de diciembre de 2011
To have a child

Pedro A. González Vivoni
English class

Having a child is no easy task in the modern day life. To be a parent you have to be mentally prepared to do so. There are many thingsthat are positive and many things that are negative to think about. Probably the first thing you have to think about is economics, do you have the money to raise a child? The patience and skill to findbliss in waking up at three in the morning to give your son a bottle of milk for at least a year of your life? This is not impossible though, and it all depends mainly on the age and conditions ofwhen you have a child. Example, a teenage girl gets pregnant a lot of things will get stripped out of her life, money for studying and in general, peace with her friends, and probably even be judged onby other people. Meanwhile, mature and mentally prepared adults that have a steady job and are economically fit will have more ease raising a child. They can give him a permanent house, food, and anice bed without straining themselves too much and they won’t be judged. Dealing with a baby for them shouldn’t be too much of a problem.
Something nice about having a child is that it’s the thingyou’ll love the most. They’re somewhat cute, and you’re carrying your name to another generation, a person you left in the world with your same blood. Another great thing about having a child is that theyjust grow old and they don’t bother as much. You get to have grandkids and a big family of your own and family is definitely one of the most crucial parts in human life.
Mainly with what I’m goingwith this is that you shouldn’t have a child if you don’t have the means and economics of raising one. If you do probably the whole thing you’re going to do is give the kid a weird unfulfilled lifewhich he will probably suffer and be taken away. Even though me, myself, would love a son I know that He will just be a step in the way for me right now in my life because my social life is a very...
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