Toefl Writing Practice

Páginas: 35 (8673 palabras) Publicado: 10 de octubre de 2011
* Improve vocabulary.
* Identify mean idea
* Improve grammar
* Develop points of view.
* Know how to organize the essay.
* Spelling words correctly.
1. Make an intro in which you named the topic and the task of the essay, whether you agree or disagree with the statement, make a contrast or identify the cause/effect, and make someexamples.
2. Write two or three paragraph explain details of the examples and also, you can write about some own experiences.
3. Make a conclusion.
* Is useful implement contrast and compare situations.
* Use personal experiences to support an idea or point of view.
* Be careful to don’t contradict yourself.
In which: En la cual
Own: Propias
Useful: Útil
Contradict: Contradecir

Connector words are words that you can use to connect ideas, details, orclauses together in order to make one clear, detail sentence. We use these words to connect or combine ideas in a sentence by showing logical relationship between them.
There some groups of words which can be used to connect words. Among these are:
These words can be used to connect or join two equal clauses or ideas of a sentence together to make a singlesentence. You have to use these coordinating connectors when you want to stress the equal importance of both clause ideas. These words are:
* AND (y)
* BUT (pero)
* OR (o)
* SO (entonces)
* Mei went to the party, BUT she didn’t have a good time.
* I did well in algebra, AND my cousin did well in history.
* Sandra was upset by his remarks, SO she filed a grievance.* Tyrone will go to Las Vegas in March, OR he will save his money for a trip to Hawaii in December.
We use the relative pronouns words RIGHT AFTER a subject or some other noun in the sentence to add details, details which further describe or explain it. The relative pronouns are:
* WHO (quien)
* WHICH (cual)
* THAT (que)
* WHOM (quienes o quien)
*WHOSE (cuya, de de quien)

* My brother developed an ulcer + who worries a lot (explain it this idea) = My brother, WHO worries a lot, developed an ulcer.
* They stole the stereo out of his car + which was parked in the Church parking lot = They stole the stereo out of his car WHICH was parked on the church parking lot.
We use thesubordinators to help add details to the action (the verb) of one clause, by using the action of another clause. These words are:
* WHEN (donde)
* IF (si)
* SINCE (ya que, desde que, pues, comoquiera que)
* BECAUSE (porque)
* ALTHOUGH (aunque, a pesar de que, bien que)
* WHEREVER (siempre que sea, dondequiera que)
* WHENEVER (cada vez que, cuando, siempre que, cuando quiera, todaslas veces que)
* UNLESS (al menos)
* IN ORDER THAT (a fin de que, para que, a fin de que)
* AS IF (como si)
* AS THOUGH (como si)
* THOUGH (aunque, siquiera, sin embargo)
* BEFORE (antes de que)
* SO THAT ( de manera que, para que, de modo que, a fin de que)
* WHILE (mientras, mientras que, aunque, si bien, bien que)
* UNTIL (hasta que)
* AS AFTER (comodespues de)
* WHERE (donde, adonde)
A subordinator word can also be used at the beginning of the sentence.
* Her husband gets jealous + she goes out with her girlfriends = Her husband gets jealous WHENEVER she goes out with her girlfriends, OR BECAUSE she goes out with her girlfriends after class, her husband gets jealous.
* They never stopped loving each other + (another...
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