Unidad Didáctica De Inglés

Páginas: 5 (1001 palabras) Publicado: 31 de mayo de 2012

Unit number: 1

Title: The name of this Didactic Unit is “My school friends pets”

Grade: This D. U. is for children of 3º grade of Primary Education (2º cycle). In this grade, the children are 8-9 years old.

Sessions: 5 sessions

Timing: This D. U. will be worked between 7º November and 18º November (real).

Listen and understand thevocabulary about pets.

Identify and name of the pets studied in the DU.

Listen, understand and reproduce the intonation of the vocabulary.

To know write sentences in future (affirmative) “I will buy…, I will see ...”.

Use the foreign language with confidence to communicate in the classroom.

1) Concepts:
1.1) Vocabulary:
Vietnamese pig

1.2) Grammar:
Future tense (affirmative):
I will buy/see …
You will buy/see …
He/she/it will buy/see …
We will buy/see …
You will buy/see …
They will buy/ see …

1.3) Phonetics:
Listening the pronunciation of the same sound /3 / in the different word and pronouncing correctly.
/3 / Bird, Turtle,...
2) Procedures:
2.1) Listening:
To listen thepronunciation of the vocabulary.

2.2) Spoken production:
To repeat the vocabulary.
To create new simple sentences with the help of the teacher.

2.3) Spoken interaction:
To play to “If you want an animal with feathers I will buy ….”
To represent a dialogue based on a model.

2.4) Reading:
To read the reading cards.
2.5) Writing:
To write a dialogue based on a model.
To write thename of the pets in the gaps.
To write sentences in future (affirmative).

3) Attitudes:
Language as a learning tool:
The best way of learning a language is using this language. For this reason, in this Didactic Unit I want that the pupils take part and communicate in English in class, that use forms and own structures of the foreign language that contain sonorous aspects (accentuation,intonation), that observe models, that use gestures to communicate and that write phrases and short texts.
Social and cultural dimensions of language:
Thanks to the language, diverse aspects of a culture can be learned. The language has a social dimension because allows to relate us to the others. For this reason, in this Didactic Unit I will teach with the objective that the pupils respect hiscompanions and the teacher, that also they show interest and respect for the opinions of his companions and that they estimate the work in pairs or in groups
Communication and information technologies:
It is important that the pupils are learning to use the new technologies because nowadays we find them in all sides and use them for multitude of things. For this reason, in this Didactic Unit Iintroduce the pupils in the utilization of these resources, by means of the utilization of the computer.

Basic Competences:
Competence in Linguistic Communication.
Citizenship & Social Competence.
Competence in learning to learn.
Self-autonomy & personal initiative Competence.
Digital & Information Treatment Competence.
Cultural & artistic Competence.Cross-curricular Aspects:
Drama: In this DU, the pupils will represent a dialogue.

Art: The pupils will paint “pets” with different materials (pencils, markers, waxes, ...).

Knowledge of the environment: The pupils will learn about the environment talking about where would live each animal (sea, jungle, beach, mountain, …), if they were free.

Activities of the unit:



Presentation activity10'
Introduction of the vocabulary using flashcards.

The teacher will pronounce the name of the pets using flashcards.
“I will buy… turtle”.

Dog, Cat, Bird, Fish, Turtle, Mouse, Rabbit, Snake, Frog, Pig.

Practice activity 20'
We will play a game using 2 flashcards of each
The will have to find the pairs with the...
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