United Nations Organization....Oganizaciones De Las Naciones Unidas

Páginas: 2 (259 palabras) Publicado: 8 de octubre de 2012

The food and agriculture Organization works to eradícate hunger and mainutrition and to raise levels of nutrition. It also assits its Member States in the sustainabledevelopment of their agriculture sector.


The United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization promotes International cooperation and falicities theexchange of information in the fields of education, science, culture and Communications.


The World Health Organization directsand coordination International Elath Works. It alsopromotes and coordinates research on preventing disease.


The World Bank provides low-interest loans and interest-free credits and grats to developing countries foreducation, health, infrestucture, muications and other proposes.


The International Civil Aviotion Organization assures the saf, secure, ordely and sustainable development ofInternational air transport while minimizing the adverse effect of global civil aviation on the enviorment.

The United Nations Office on drugs and crime asrists countries in theirstruggle against illicit drugs, crime and terrorism. Is weeks to increase understanding of drug and crime issuses an to assist countries in developing domestic legisture and implementingInternational treaties.

The United Nations Development Fund for Women provides financial and technical asístance to innovate programmes and strategies to foster womens empowerment andgender equality, and acts as a catalyst to ensure the appropiates involvement of women in mainstream development actvivities.


The World food programmes suppliesfood to sustain victims of made and natural disasters, improves the nutrition and quality of life of the most vulnerable people at critical times in their lives, and promotes self-reliance of...
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