Uses and abuses of electronic devices and social networks

Páginas: 27 (6588 palabras) Publicado: 17 de julio de 2013

1. Problem
1.1 Problem approach
Uses and abuses of gadgets and social network by students of UEPRIM during 2012-2013
1.2 Problem Formulation
What advantages and disadvantages do technology and social networks give students in their development in school?

1.3 Problem delimitation
1.3.1 Central aspects: Devices and social networks abuse
1.3.2Quality Factor: To inform students and authorities the uses and abuses of social networks and technological devices
1.3.3 Classification Factor: Authorities and teachers
1.3.4 Geographical Factor: The new technologies would be applied in the Unidad Educativa Principito & Marcel Laniado de Wind
1.3.5 Temporality Factor: Nowadays

1.4 Justification
The uses and abuses ofsocial network and technological gadgets in students of UEPRIM. The research paper was born with the idea of calculating and demonstrating to our society how many students make use of smartphones, and how they can lose time using them.
It also intends to provide accurate data in order for us, to study and draw conclusions in an efficient way and contribute information for future research about thetopic exposed by us.
It is very important to be informed about this topic because we can keep a record of how every year, abuses of technology and social network increase among students of UEPRIM. With the collected information we can apply it to our daily lives in order to take advantage of it. Technological gadgets can also be used for educational purposes which could be applied in the UnidadEducativa Principito & Marcel Laniado de Wind. Starting high school and later be applied to the rest of the school including the lower grades like primary school and kindergarten.
It should be pointed out that not all technologies are for all ages. The kindergarten kids would not be able to use the same technology as senior students. A research to determine what technology is appropriate for eachage is going to be necessary and helpful to the school and the authorities. The lycée should consider that if they apply technological gadgets and internet they would have thousands and thousands of pages of information to choose from. The information students are going to have would depends on the administration too. As everybody knows, the companies that supply internet have politics ofparental control which means that they control what pages or websites students would visit in order to make them focused on info that they really need and use. Teachers should plan their contents with the support of technology in each school year

1.5 Objectives

1.5.1 General Objective

To identify when use is transformed into abuse in order to use that information to help the authorities tomake decisions inside the school and to support this project.

1.5.2 Specific Objective

To discover if abuses of electronic devices affects the grades on UEPRIM students, by applying surveys.

To find out how many students use and abuse of smartphones by applying surveys.

To identify what factors increase the abuse of electronic devices by using research techniques.


1.6.1 General Hypothesis

If students start realizing the real consequences of abusing of social network with technological devices, in the high school it will stop.

1.6.2 Specific Hypothesis

If students bring the appropriate technological devices to school, the classes would be better and more dynamic.

If teachers research about the benefits of social networkingused in all the subject, students would be more active in class.

1.7 Proposal
As everybody knows these last centuries the technological advances have been fast and important to people not just in industry or big business but also in everyday living. In the past years only adults or big business was influenced in the technological world, but now teens are the ones who occupy this place....
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