Va;ues for colombia

Páginas: 19 (4623 palabras) Publicado: 27 de mayo de 2010


1. Introduction 7. Management style
2. Key do’s and dont’s 8. Bosses or team players
3. Colombian backgrounds 9. Division of labour
4. Colombian attitudes and values 10. Drug Trafickly andguerrilla
5. Meetings and negotiations 11. Colombia is passion
6. Hospitality and gift giving 12. Bibliography

11. Colombia is passion

1. Introduction

Colombia has one of the most successful economies inSouth America, despite adverse conditions and a very unequal distribution of wealth. A small number of Colombians hold most of the country's wealth and political power, but the middle and working classes are growing in Colombia's cities. Colombians are hardworking and peace loving. Politeness, proper behaviour, good manners and courtesy are valued. Colombians are very proud of their democracy andindependence. They do not like or want outside interference and want to address internal challenges on their own. In this project I want to give you a general image about Colombia in various aspects eg. Historical, cultural, financial, social, political, among others.

Capital City: Bogota (-5 GMT)
Currency: Colombian peso (COP) (convert)
Languages: Spanish
Calling Code: 57
Voltage: 110Religions: Roman Catholic 90%, other 10%

GDP (ppp) per CAPITA $7,768.93 (2005 est.)
Inflation Rate 3.00% (2009 est.)
Population 43.68 million (2009 est.)
Country Risk Ratings A4
Ease of Doing Business 53.00/181 (2008 est.)
Global Competitiveness 4.05/134 (2009 est.)

2.Key do’s and don’ts

* While shaking hands, use the appropriate greeting for the time of day: "buenos dias"(good day), "buenas tardes" (good afternoon), or "buenas noches" (good evening/night). Women often grasp forearms rather than shaking hands
* Most Colombians have both a maternal and paternal surname and will use both.
* Don't offer your opinions about local politics or religion.
* Do not be offended if you are called a “gringo.” Colombians use this term to refer to people from the UnitedStates, and it is not meant to be insulting.
* Be prudent when you talk about drugs. Colombia is working with the United States' government in the war against drugs, but U.S. foreign policy is not viewed positively by many Colombians.
* Bring your hostess fruit, flowers or chocolates. Send flowers ahead of time, if possible. Roses are a favorite.

3. Colombianbackgrounds
During the pre-Columbian period, the area now known as Colombia was inhabited by indigenous societies situated at different stages of socio-economic development, ranging from hunters and nomadic farmers to the highly structured Chibchas, who are considered to have been one of the most developed indigenous groups in South America.

Santa Marta was the first permanent Spanish settlement foundedin 1525. Santa Fe de Bogota was founded in 1538 and, in 1717, became the capital of the Viceroyalty of New Granada, which included what are now Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama. Bogota was one of three principal administrative centers of the Spanish possessions in the New World.

On July 20, 1810, the citizens of Bogota created the first representative council to defy Spanish authority. Fullindependence was proclaimed in 1813, and in 1819 the Republic of Greater Colombia was formed to include all the territory of the former Viceroyalty (Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama). Simon Bolivar was elected its first president with Francisco de Paula Santander as vice president. Conflicts between followers of Bolivar and Santander led to the formation of two political parties that have...
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