
Páginas: 2 (293 palabras) Publicado: 4 de febrero de 2013
Changing the Peru

Peru will be the best country of opportunities, because we have the best food in the world, the best agricultural products, the best seafood,the mining, the jungle, etc. We are a rich country. The challenge is distribute that rich between all.
But regrettably in our country we have some obstacles, usPeruvians are selfish around us, but it is not all, I really feel bad because the education in our country isn’t good, and de education is the solution for all ourproblems.
190 years ago have passed that a group of patriots, creoles, mestizos and indigenous are broke the chains of oppression, the chains of slavery, however;were not the only ones that should be broken, because now he have other problems like poverty, terrorism, delinquency, illiteracy and especially de education.
Weneed think for a minute HOW? ... How was formed the terrorism? How was formed the delinquency? How was formed the illiteracy?; the anwer is POVERTY , BAD HEADS OFSTATE and BAD EDUCATION.
In my opinion, if we want change it, first we have to repair the problem with the education, and the heads of state, with it the heads ofstate can offer free education and offer work only for people who are prepared even putting heads of state peole who are realy prepair and, how can we do it? Easily,it only depend on us choosing the best opsion in the next electoral choice not only thinking what they propose if not how much are they prepeir morally.
I dreamthat the day that the Peru in going to go out of the hole in which this, but that will not happen by itself, all of it is in our hands.

By: Andrea Arriola Moscoso
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