Verbos En Ingles

Páginas: 6 (1335 palabras) Publicado: 7 de octubre de 2011
To add | Ád | Agregar | To put something with something else to increase the number or amount of it. |
To bake | Béik | Hornear | To cook inside a cooker, without using added liquid or fat. |
To beat | Bíit | Batir | To mix something repeatedly using a utensil such as a spoon, fork, whisk or special kitchen machine. |
To blend | Blend | CombinarMezclar | To thoroughly mix together soft orliquid substances to form a single smooth subtstance. |
To boil | Boil | Hervir | To cook something in boiling water. |
To bone | Bóun | Deshuesar | To remove the bones from something (fish or meat). |
To break | Bréik | Romper | To make something separate into two or more pieces, for example, by hitting it, dropping it, or bending it. |
To broil | Broil | Asar a la parrilla | To cooksomething under direct heat, or over a flame on a barbecue. |
To chill | Chil | Refrigerar
Enfriar | To make something become cold but not freeze. |
To chop | chóp | PicarCortar en trozos | To cut something into smaller pieces with an axe, knife or other sharp instrument. |
To coat | Kóut | Rebozar | To cover something with a layer of a particular substance. |
To cook | Kúuk | Cocinar | Toprepare food for eating by using heat in a particular way. |
To cover | Káver | Cubrir | To put or spread something over something else. |
To curdle | Kérdl | Cuajar | To become thicker, form curd & develop lumps; or to make a liquid do this. |
To cut into strips | Kat íntchu strips | Cortar en tiritas | To divide something or separate something from its main part into strips, using aknife or any other utensil. |
To decorate | Dékoreit | Decorar | To make something look more attractive (a dish) by putting something pretty on it. |
To defrost | Difróst | Descongelar | To make something become warmer and free of ice and no longer frozen. |
To dice | Dáis | Cortar en cubitos | To cut food into small square pieces. |
To dilute | Dilút | Diluir | To make a liquid weaker byadding water or another liquid |
To dissolve | Disólv | Disolver | To be absorbed by a liquid, especially when mixed; or to absorb a solid. |
To dry | Drái | Secar | To make something dry (not wet or without liquid or water on or in it) |
To emply | Émpti | Vaciar | To remove everything inside something |
To fill | Fil | Llenar | To make or become something full. To put a substance into anempty container. |
To flip | Flip | Dar vuelta | To move something with a quick sudden movement so that it turns over |
To fold | Fóuld | Doblar
Plegar | To bend something by laying or pressing one part of it over another. |
To fry | Frái | Freir | To cook something in hot fat or oil. |
To glaze | Gléiss | Glasear | To make a surface of a meal shiny by putting a liquid substance onto it andleaving it or heating it until it dries. |
To grate | Gréit | Rallar | To rub food against a grater or a rough and sharp surface in order to break it into small pieces. |
To grease | Gríis | Engrasar | To put butter, grease, oil etc. on a pan to prevent food from sticking to it. |
To grill | Gril | Asar a la parrilla | To cook something by direct heat, especially under a very hot surface(flat metal frame etc.) in a cooker. |
To grind | Gráind | Moler | To make something into small pieces or powder either in a machine or between two hard surfaces. |
To halve | Jáv | Partir en dos | To reduce something by half or divide something into two equal pieces. |
To heat | Jíit | Calentar | To make something become warm / hot. |
To knead | Níid | Amasar | To press something,especially a mixture, firmly and repeatedly with the hands and fingers. |
To liquidize | Likuidáiss | Licuar | To change food into a thick liquid (using a blender or any other electric machine). |
To melt | Melt | Derretir | To turn something solid into something soft or liquid. |
To mince | Míns | Picar carne | To cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces, usually using a machine. |
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