
Páginas: 5 (1028 palabras) Publicado: 8 de octubre de 2012
Homicide: the act of murdering someone (homicidio)
Burglary: the act of breaking into a house and intending to steal. (robo)
Shoplifting: the act of removing goods from a shop without paying (hurto en tiendas)
Armed robbery: the act of using a deadly weapon to help you steal. (robo a mano armada)
Vandalism: the act of destroying public property. (vandalismo)
Forgery:the act of copying a painting and pretending it is original (falsificación)
Fraud: the act of criminally deceiving or tricking someone (fraude/estafa- impostor/farsante)
Smuggling: the act of sneaking drugs or other things into a country. (contrabando)
Manslaughter: the act of killing someone without intending to. (homicidio sin intención)
Embezzlement: the act of using a company’s money foryour own gain. (desfalco, apropiación)
Arson: the act of starting a fire and intending to cause damage. (incendio provocado)
Assault and battery: the act of attacking someone physically (asalto,y agresión)
Defendant: is the person on trial. (demandado, acusado)
Counsel for the defense: is the lawyer who represents the person on trial. (abogado defensor)
Prosecutor: tries to prove the person ontrial is guilty. (fiscal)
Witness: gives testimony to the court under oath. (testigo)
Judge: hears cases in court and make legal decisions. (juez)
Jury: is a group of 12 people who decide the outcome of certain trials. (jurado)
Juror: is one of the 12 people who decide the outcome of a trial. (miembro del jurado)
Court reporter: records everything that is said at the trial. (taquigrafojudicial)
Charge: what you do when you officially accuse somebody of a crime. (cargo, acusación)
Plead: what the defense does on behalf of his client at the start of a trial. (alagar, declararse inocente o culpable)
Defend: what a lawyer does when he tries to show someone is innocent. (defender, actuar en defense de..)
Prosecute: what a lawyer does when he tries to show someone is guilty. (acusar)Testify: what a witness does when he gives evidence in court (declarer,testificar)
Acquit: what a jury does when they find someone innocent. (absolver..)
Convict: what a jury does when they find someone guilty. (declarer culpable, condenar)
Sentence: what a judge does when he determines a criminal’s prision term. (sentencia)

Crime nouns :
Suspicion : feeling that someone has committed acrime. (sospecha)
Fine: money set as penalty for breaking the law. (multa)
Evidence: proof that is used to try and find someone guilty. (evidencia)
Motive: reason for committing a crime. (motivo)
Alibi: explanation someone gives to the police to show their innocence (coartada)
Offense: minor breaking or violation of the law. (infracción, delito)
Veredict: final decision of the jury (veredicto)Allegation: statement or claim that has not yet been proved. (hacer una acusación, acusacion.)

Law enforcement officer: somebody who makes sure the law is obeyed. (miembro de la policia)
Intruder: somebody who enters where he is unwelcome or unwanted, a burglar for example. (intruso)
Cell: place where a prisioner is kept. (celda)
Guard: somebody who keeps prisioners under control. (guarda)Capital punishment: same as the death penalty. (pena de muerte por ejemplo)
Violation: the act of breaking the law. (violacion)
Incident: happening or event which is often unpleasant. (incidente, episodio)
Instant: the rate at which something happens or occurs (instante)
Case: a particular situation. (caso)
Suicide: the act of taking your own life. (suicidio)
Arrest: the act of capturingsomebody who has broken the law. (arrestar)
Prevention: the act of stopping something from happening. (prevenir)
Deterrent: something that prevents or discourages another thing from happening. (disuadir)

Valuables: things you own that are worth a lot of money (valioso)
Ownership: the state of having something belong to you, of being an owner. (propiedad)
Possession: the state of having...
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