Wit (Ensayo)

Páginas: 3 (512 palabras) Publicado: 1 de diciembre de 2012
Vivian Bearing de 48 años es una brillante e ingeniosa profesora de literatura inglesa, doctorada en filosofía y experta en poemas del siglo XVII. Sobre todo en un autor (John Donne) cuyo poema hacede eje transversal de la película. Vivian se ha dedicado por completo a la vida universitaria, siendo una profesora exigente e intransigente. Su tranquila y solitaria existencia se ve alterada cuandose le diagnostica un cáncer de difícil curación (cáncer ovárico metastático en estadio IV). Su única alternativa es someterse a un tratamiento experimental cuya eficacia no ha sido todavía demostraday que, irónicamente, le será administrado por un joven doctor que fue antiguo alumno suyo. Haciendo uso de su inteligencia e ingenio, Vivian afronta esta dura prueba, en la que acabará por darsecuenta de que el amor a la vida es su mejor arma.

Based on the Margaret Edson play, Vivian Bearing is a literal, hardnosed English professor who has been diagnosed with terminal ovarian cancer. Duringthe story, she reflects on her reactions to the cycle the cancer takes, the treatments, and significant events in her life. The people that watch over her are Jason Posner, who only finds faith inbeing a doctor; Susie Monahan, a nurse with a human side that is the only one in the hospital that cares for Vivian's condition; and Dr. Kelekian, the head doctor who just wants results no matter whatthey are.
Vivian Bearing is a professor of English literature known for her intense knowledge of metaphysical poetry, especially the Holy Sonnets of John Donne. Her life takes a turn when she isdiagnosed with metastatic Stage IV ovarian cancer. Oncologist Harvey Kelekian prescribes various chemotherapy treatments to treat her disease, and as she suffers through the various side-effects (such asfever, chills, vomiting, and abdominal pain), she attempts to put everything in perspective. The story periodically flashes back to previous moments in her life, including her childhood, her graduate...
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