
Páginas: 2 (473 palabras) Publicado: 4 de junio de 2011
The last Thursday I went to the museum of the Memory and the Patience, the first thing that I notice when I entered is that they have a really good organization and also it’s very clean.
When weentered to the first room we saw a video about all the successful of the humanity but also all the misfortunes and damage that the wars and genocides caused, in this room pass some videos about thesurvivors of the famous genocides and the experience they pass.
In the next room we saw the Hitler´s life and and as he started from zero to become a dictator, and also in this room we saw the measuresthat the Nazis did to know how is a real Aryan, and there also was some publicity posters that appear in that time and posters that interested me most and is one which says that costs the same to keep ahealthy family than a sick person.
Then we see how the Nazis planned the fire to several synagogues and this is named "The Crystal Night", and also haw many countries Germany invade.
In the nextroom what are ghettos, the ghettos were used by the Nazis to isolate Jews and make them live miserably.
They had to work to get a ticket (tickets served to exchange them for food.) They spent a lot ofcold, hunger and disease, had to obey orders like it or not.
Then the Nazis don’t know what to do with the Jews and in an assembly 15 men decide the future of 6 million of persons by creating theconcentration camps. In this room we saw a real wagon where the Jews travel, The Jews go out from the ghettos and they were carried to the camps in wagons with other 100 persons without light and foodfor days, many people dies while they are traveling.
Then they arrived to the concentration camps, when they go out of the wagon they received hits, pushes, and screaming in other languages.
All thewomen, child and old man go directly to the went straight to the ovens and the healthy men were bathed and shaved and taken to their rooms

In this room we saw a model of when the Jews entered the...
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