J Lnkjc Dfrg

Páginas: 5 (1041 palabras) Publicado: 23 de noviembre de 2012
The Dandy

Legend has it that one day in 1975, a man
who had a wife and five children met the
dandy ... Jesus was a man who was devoted
to music, playing the harp and despite of
all his efforts, he and his family were still
living in poverty I had to work very hard
to support his family.
One day work late, and at dawn returned
home he found a man very high, very
elegant dressand polite, explained Mr.
Jesus heard him play and he liked it a lot
and that's why offered take it to a party
where he had to play, and he would pay
very well, with a condition, and the party
could not eat or drink anything that was
offered. Jesus accepted and that's how
this mystery man Jesus blindfold in a
canoe and took him to the place, and being
at the party Jesus felt verycold but it was
not long before used. Jesus touched all the songs we asked him, he finally sat down to rest on a table where they had served delicacies, Jesus was hungry but managed to resist. When they took him back to town again blindfolded and then awoke. Jesus was left wondering if it really happened or was just a dream, and returned to his home opened the harp case and that was what hefound? Lots of gold coins, chains, rings, bracelets etc. Jesus would be eternally grateful to the mysterious man.
The Dandy

Legend has it that one day in 1975, a man
who had a wife and five children met the
dandy ... Jesus was a man who was devoted
to music, playing the harp and despite of
all his efforts, he and his family were still
living in poverty I had to work very hard
tosupport his family.
One day work late, and at dawn returned
home he found a man very high, very
elegant dress and polite, explained Mr.
Jesus heard him play and he liked it a lot
and that's why offered take it to a party
where he had to play, and he would pay
very well, with a condition, and the party
could not eat or drink anything that was
offered. Jesus accepted and that's howthis mystery man Jesus blindfold in a
canoe and took him to the place, and being
at the party Jesus felt very cold but it was
not long before used. Jesus touched all the songs we asked him, he finally sat down to rest on a table where they had served delicacies, Jesus was hungry but managed to resist. When they took him back to town again blindfolded and then awoke. Jesus was left wondering ifit really happened or was just a dream, and returned to his home opened the harp case and that was what he found? Lots of gold coins, chains, rings, bracelets etc. Jesus would be eternally grateful to the mysterious man.
El catrín
Cuenta la leyenda que un día de 1975, un señor que tenía mujer y cinco hijos conoció al catrín… Jesús era un señor que se dedicaba a la música, tocaba el arpa y apesar de sus esfuerzos, el y su familia seguían viviendo en la pobreza, tenía que trabajar muy duro para mantener a su familia.
Un día trabajo hasta muy tarde, y en la madrugada de regreso a su casa se encontró con un señor muy alto, vestido muy elegante y educado, el señor explicó a Jesús que lo había oído tocar y que le había gustado mucho y que por eso le ofrecía llevarlo a una fiesta donde teníaque tocar, y que le pagaría muy bien, con una condición, ya en la fiesta no podía comer ni beber nada de lo que le ofrecieran. Jesús aceptó y así fue como este hombre misterioso vendo los ojos de Jesús y en una canoa lo trasladó hasta el lugar, ya estando en la fiesta Jesús sintió mucho frío pero pasó poco tiempo antes de acostumbrarse. Jesús toco todas la canciones que le pidieron, al final sesentó a descansar en una mesa donde habían servido exquisitos manjares, Jesús tenia mucha hambre pero logro resistirse. Cuando lo llevaron de regreso al pueblo le volvieron a vendar los ojos y en ese momento despertó. Jesús se quedo pensando si realmente había pasado o solo fue un sueño, ya devuelta en su casa abrió el estuche del arpa y que fue lo que encontró? Un montón de monedas de oro,...
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