Cien años de soledad


Puntos a considerar

This novel was a landmark in Latin American literature, not only representing the imaginary Macondo readers immersed in a context which we discussed earlier, and Mario Vargas Llosa called social and historical chronicle, but for aesthetics literary exceeded everyday standards. Along with other novels of his time as Hopscotch by Julio Cortazar, the Air Is Clear by Carlos Fuentes, among many, was part of the strong literary movement called Boom Latinoamericano.

            We can not speak of One Hundred Years of Solitude only as a story or relate the plot that itself is extraordinary, regardless of the neatness of the author's prose and poetic art. But especially the aesthetics of it that has been widely studied by prominent academics from around the world and embraced by millions of readers who made ​​his. The complexity of the characters and the story are intertwined with hyperbolic literary image handling, with linguistic resources temporalities convoluted and challenging to the reader. Not only find in this work the author's overactive imagination but...

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