Cien años de soledad




The rain caused in Macondo and the mood of the macondinos serious havoc. "It rained four years, eleven months and two days." At this time Aureliano Segundo went to live with his wife, Babylonian Aureliano appeared (for Fernanda neglect) after three years of imprisonment, to everyone's surprise. Gerineldo Colonel Marquez died and desolate procession passed in front of the house where Ursula Buendia fired him saying he reached when weather cleared, determined to die when the rain passed. Children Amaranta Ursula and Aureliano lived a happy time during the flood in which Ursula made her toy. Aureliano Segundo was still searching the bags of gold that few outsiders ever allowed inside a plaster saint Ursula and hid until they came back for him. When he went to Petra Cotes finally found her aged and trying to save the last animals from the quagmire. Fernanda consulted with doctors about a disease pudibunda imaginary. And Macondo disaster and succumbed to loneliness left by the flood.



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Ensayos sobre Cien años de soledad