El Príncipe


Capítulos I-XI

The first eleven chapters of the book address the ways in which the government is under the reign of a prince. Chapter I sets the republics and principalities as the only two forms of exercise sovereignty over men. The principalities, under analysis of the work, can in turn be hereditary, when a family reigns over a period of time, or again, when conquest or purchase a domain.

Regarding the above, it should be noted that in the days when The Prince was written, Italy was a territory divided into different domains and kingdoms, the nation state as we know it today did not exist. The republic was more a utopia than reality and Machiavelli seems to understand in this way to develop in The Discourses (1513-1531) a treaty aimed not who governs but who should govern, in this sense, the writer Florentine republicanism, based on the greatness of peoples to freedom, is presented as the antithesis idealistic principalities. Thus, the two major political works of Machiavelli, The Prince and The Discourses, corresponding to the two ways of political organization at the time, and interestingly both were released in the same year, with the difference that The Prince was written in twelve you rock and the development of The Speeches Florentine writer took nearly a decade. This last fact can give an idea of the analytical process that the preparation of each of the works required on the one...

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