Actas De Matrimonio

Páginas: 3 (651 palabras) Publicado: 11 de febrero de 2013
Elizabeth Arellano
ENG 090, 4101
October 23, 2012
Overweight in the Community
Why in the world do some people become overweight? People do not realize that being overweight is a problemfor their health. A person that it is overweigh has an unhealthy life, compared to someone that is healthy. The people that is overweight have three effect of being overweight they are lack ofexercise, low self-esteem, and unhealthy.
The first effect of why people become overweight is lack of exercise. Over the years more and more people are exercising less. There are many reasons why peopledo not exercise much as they have too. One of the excuses that they say not to exercise is that they do not have time to exercise because they have to work, or that they work too late. The only thingthat they want to do is to go home and have some rest. Another reason why a person is overweight is because they eat late at night, and when they finish with their dinner they go to bed. When a persongoes to bed, youths when they finish eating, there metabolism stops working, and the person do not born all those calories at nigh will the person is slipping. The last reason why people isoverweight it is when the person have free time they uses it to state at home all day not doing anything. They watch television all they in there couch, instead of going out to for walk of thirty minutes, andbread fresh air.
The second effect of why people become overweight is low self-esteem. Low self-esteem it can be a curio’s problem in the overweight population. In the cause of a women beingoverweight it is a big problem. In some causes of women that are overweigh think that they are pretty anymore, that they cannot attract anybody because they are overweight. In the cause of the men is thesame, but they not seem be affect them that much as a women. They lose the sense of shopping, to look for thing that make them look pretty, to make them feel that way.
The third effect of why people...
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