
Páginas: 2 (270 palabras) Publicado: 23 de abril de 2012
Capital: Berlin is the capital city of the Federal Republic of Germany and one of the sixteen Länder. It is located in northeastern Germany.
Currency: German euro coins havethree different designs: one for each set of coins.The 1, 2 and 5 cent coins were designed by Rolf Lederbogen, the design of the coinsof 10, 20 and 50.

Cities: some citiesin Germany are:
Estado federado |  % Superficie | Hab./km² | Capital | Mapa |
1 Baden-Wurtemberg | 10,01 | 300 | Stuttgart |    |
2 Baviera | 19,76 | 177 | Múnich | |
3 Berlín |0,25 |    3.812 | Berlín | |
4 Brandeburgo | 8,26 | 87 | Potsdam | |
5 Bremen | 0,11 | 1.642 | Bremen | |
6 Hamburgo | 0,21 | 2.317 | Hamburgo | |
7 Hesse | 5,91 | 288| Wiesbaden | |
8 Mecklemburgo-Pomerania Occidental  | 6,49 | 73 | Schwerin | |
9 Baja Sajonia | 13,34 | 168 | Hanóver | |
10 Renania del Norte-Westfalia | 9,55 | 529 |Düsseldorf | |
11 Renania-Palatinado | 5,56 | 204 | Maguncia | |
12 Sarre | 0,72 | 407 | Sarrebruck | |
13 Sajonia | 5,16 | 231 | Dresde | |
14 Sajonia-Anhalt | 5,73 |120 | Magdeburgo | |
15 Schleswig-Holstein | 4,41 | 180 | Kiel | |
16 Turingia | 4,53 | 144 | Erfurt | |

Attractions: Cologne Cathedral

A masterpiece of Gothicarchitecture and one of the great sacred buildings in Christendom.
Port of Hamburg:

A maze of channels.
Palaces and gardens of Potsdam;:

. Airlines, the secondlargest German airline and the sixth largest europea.1Tieneheadquartered in Berlin.

Language: German (Deutsch, in German) is an Indo-European language belonging to the group of Germaniclanguages ​​ one of the most major of the world.
Religion: Christianity is the majority religion in the territories of Germany before the fall of Western Roman Empire.
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