Alginatos Para Regeneracion

Páginas: 13 (3162 palabras) Publicado: 16 de junio de 2012
Cardiovascular disease continues to be the leading cause of death, suggesting that new therapies are needed to treat the progression of heart failure post-myocardial infarction. As cardiac tissue has a limited ability to regenerate itself, experimental biomaterial therapies have focused on the replacement of necrotic cardiomyocytesand repair of the damaged extracellular matrix. While acellular and cellular cardiac patches are applied surgically to the epicardial surface of the heart, injectable materials offer the prospective advantage of minimally invasive delivery directly into the myocardium to either replace the damaged extracellular matrix or to act as a scaffold for cell delivery. Cardiac-specific decellularizedmatrices offer the further advantage of being biomimetic of the native biochemical and structural matrix composition, as well as the potential to be autologous therapies. This review will focus on the requirements of an ideal scaffold for catheter-based delivery as well as highlight the promise of decellularized matrices as injectable materials for cardiac repair.

Los cambios patologicos progresivosluego de un infarto incluyen, como ya se ha visto, una respuesta inflamatoria, la muerte y perdida de los cardiomiocitos del area afectada y una degradacion matriz extracellular del ventriculo izquierdo. La suma de estos cambios lleva a q se adelgacen las paredes, el infarto se propague y tejido cicatrizal , no funcional, reemplace a l musculo cardiaco. Luego se produce un agrandamiento delventrículo y el corazón se ve debilitado para cumplir con sus funciones mecanicas. Esta cadena de acontecimientos lleva a la falla final del corazón y la muerte de los pacientes infartados en un % de los casos. Hasta la fecha el único tratamiento exitoso y aprobado es el transplante del órgano.

En un primer momento se intento desde la ingeniería de materiales el reemplazo de células con parchesetc,etc, actualmente se encuentra en etapa de prueba el uso de alginatos inyectables que forman un hidrogel cerca del tejido dañado para evitar la expansión del infarto y estimular la regenracion de tejido cardiaco. Este desarrollo israelí fue patentado con el nombre de bl 1040 por biolines y luego vendido a ikaria que lo rebautizo ik … .
Para comenzar a entender como funciona podemos establecer losrequisitos q debe cumplir un biogel para convertirse en un andamio que reemplece a la matriz original y pueda ser colonizado por nuevas células cardiacas. Un biomaterial inyectable ideal:
* Imitar el nativo
* Minimamente invasivo (aprovechar el cateter)
* Biocompatible
* Debe permitir adhesión y maduración celular
The progressive pathological changes post-myoardial infarction(MI) include an initial inflammatory response [1], loss of cardiomyocytes [2, 3], and degradation of the left ventricular (LV) extracellular matrix (ECM) by matrix metalloproteases [4, 5], which lead to wall thinning, infarct expansion [6], scar tissue formation, and eventual LV dilatation and decrease in cardiac function [7]. This process of negative LV remodeling post-MI is thought toindependently contribute to heart failure (HF) [8]. Currently, the only successful treatments for end-stage HF post-MI are total heart transplantation and the use of an LV assist device. As coronary heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the USA and the Western world [9], it is clear that new therapies are needed.
To replace the necrotic cardiomyocytes and damaged ECM, cardiac tissueengineering approaches have become a major research focus for therapy post-MI. These approaches include biomaterial scaffolds in combination with cells, as well as biomaterials alone that are intended to recruit cells into the damaged region. Initially, cellular therapy, or cellular cardiomyoplasty, involved the injection of cells in saline or media without any type of scaffold. Although this...
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