Amigas Unidas

Páginas: 2 (307 palabras) Publicado: 12 de octubre de 2011
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City of London
Dragon and shield with the Cross of St. George

England, especially London,is a popular tourist destination. Winter may not be the best time of year to enjoy and that requires much walking on sidewalks and parks to see everything and during thisseason can be very cold temperature. In spring and summer many tourists from around the world who visit and all activities are very crowded, and the cost of air travel andhotels are more expensive. Fall is the best time to visit according to employees of the hotel where we stayed. Which is not to say there are no tourists in the fall. The hotelwas full, and everywhere we went there were other tourists.
We hear that London is the New York of Europe., We would say that New York is the London of the Americas.Either way, we saw a lot in common between the two ciudades.Como New York, London is great with a huge variety of interesting places and activities for the local public as wellas for visitors.
On other pages in this section of London dealing with other things that caught our attention. These essays and slide shows are a guide to London ratherlimited personal notes to show to our friends (all who wish can see them) In your trip to London can not fail to try one of the most typical English dishes .
It is true thatthe supply of foods from around the world is huge but at least once is a good idea to enter a restaurant or English in a pub and say to knowingly do so is the roast beef orfish & chips.
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