Ancient greece

Páginas: 16 (3785 palabras) Publicado: 3 de julio de 2010

The term ancient Greece refers to the period of the history of Greece, ranging from the Dark Ages of Greece since 1100 a. C. and the Dorian invasion, to the year 146 BC C. and the Roman conquest of Greece after the battle of Corinth. Is generally regarded as the seminal culture which provided the basis for Western civilization.

The culture of Greece had a powerful influence onthe Roman Empire, which spread through many of its territories in Europe. The civilization of the ancient Greeks has been immensely influential on the language, politics, educational systems, philosophy, science and arts, giving rise to the current renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries in Western Europe, and also during resurfacing neoclassical movement of the eighteenth andnineteenth centuries in Europe and America.

Some historians believe the first Ancient Olympic Games in 776 a. C. mark the beginning of the period known as the Ancient Greece.

Traditionally considered the time of Ancient Greece ended with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 a. C., beginning the period helenístico.1 However, extending the period of ancient Greece many times to include the timeuntil the Roman conquest in 146 BC C.

Chronology of Ancient Greece

The History of Ancient Greece is usually divided into several periods according to the pottery and political events, social and cultural:

The Dark Ages (h.1100-h.750 BC) shows geometric designs on pottery.

The Archaic Period (h.750, h.500 BC) follows, while artists created sculptures in stretched positions with the"archaic smile" dream. It is usually considered that the Archaic period ends by overthrowing the last tyrant of Athens in 510 BC C.

The classical period (h.500-323 BC) offers a different style, which is then considered as exemplary (ie 'classical'), the Parthenon was built during this time.

The Hellenistic period (323-146 BC) is when the culture of Greece and power expanded into the MiddleEast and the Middle East. This period begins with the death of Alexander the Great and ending with the Roman conquest after the Battle of Corinth (146 BC).

The Roman Greece, between the Roman conquest and the restoration of the city of Byzantium and his appointment by the Emperor Constantine I, as the capital of the Roman Empire (New Rome) renamed Constantinople in 330.

The late Antiquity toearly sixth century, with the decline of Roman polytheism with the advance of Christianity. The end of this period is often symbolize the closing of the Academy of Athens by Justinian I under the edict of 529, which also forbade paganism, Judaism and any non-Christian religion.

History of Ancient Greece

Prehistoric civilization of the Bronze Age

The first findings of human life in Greececonfirm the existence of indigenous peoples in the Paleolithic, to the 70 000 a. C. Around 6000 BC C. -At the dawn of the Neolithic, the native peoples developed agriculture and thus gradually became sedentary, they extended the practice of pottery and created basic political institutions. Then began to use bronze, but the refinement of its use occurred after contact with immigrant populations.It is believed that the tribes that would become the Greeks moved south to the Balkans in several waves beginning in the mid-Bronze Age (about 2000 BC) 5 Other sources indicate a migratory process and in the fifth millennium BC C., from Mesopotamia and Syria.According to these, the first native inhabitants immigrants found that newcomers left a lot of traditions, while they brought to the areaof pottery culture, agriculture and a first deity of fertility (later to be Demeter). 6 This latest version, if accurate, would deny the existence of a Neolithic period the native peoples prior to foreign immigration, placing them in a cultural period closest to the Mesolithic.

Proto-Greek language is would date to the period immediately preceding these migrations, either at the end of the...
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